Posted April 29, 2016

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted April 29, 2016
babark: 2 (flubbucket, Dessimu)
drealmer7: 1 (babark)
Dessimu: 1 (lotsofchickenwings)
HijacK: 1 (CSPVG)
JMich: 1 (trentonlf)
No-Lynch: 1 (a4plz)
babark is closest to lynch at L-5
babark: 2 (flubbucket, Dessimu)
drealmer7: 1 (babark)
Dessimu: 1 (lotsofchickenwings)
HijacK: 1 (CSPVG)
JMich: 1 (trentonlf)
No-Lynch: 1 (a4plz)
babark is closest to lynch at L-5

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted April 29, 2016

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted April 29, 2016

Do most players here think that most 13 player games are simply 10v3 and that I'm wrong with my "normal" being 9v3v1? Regardless, now you understand what I was saying. I hope.
Who wants to check out my new vote-count keeping method? It's in trial mode, and still being tweaked, but I like it so far:
1. HijacK - 1 - CSPVG (#6),
2. JMich - 1 - /Dessimu (#10, #12), trentonlf (#18),
3. flubbucket - 0 - /Dessimu (#38, #69),
4. HypersomniacLive - 0 -
5. Bookwyrm627 - 0 -
6. Dessimu - 1 - /cristigale (#32, #141), locw (#131),
7. CSPVG - 0 -
8. drealmer7 - 1 - /drealmer7 (#9, #67), /Dessimu (#12, #33), /bookwyrm (#20, #179), babark (#26),
/Dessimu (#69, 80)
9. cristigale - 0 - /Dessimu (#33),
10. lotsofchickenwings - 0 - /HSL (#16, #177), /Dessimu (#80, #143), /flubbucket (#120, #128),
11. a4plz - 0 -
12. babark - 2 - flubbucket (#128), dessimu (#143)
13. trentonlf - 0 -
NO LYNCH - 1 - a4plz
not voting - JMich, drealmer, wyrm, HSL, HijacK, cristigale
/ = removed vote
(#, #) = (first # is cast vote post , 2nd # is removed vote post)
I also have further notations of each vote and what I think the person's motivations were and/or stated motivations -
example: cristigale - #32 - vote Dessimu ("holdover from last game" RVS !)
! = I believe stated vote reason

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted April 29, 2016
It is confusing

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted April 29, 2016
If you want to keep this format of vote count, it would be damn smart to somehow distinguish the current people that have active votes on them. Like, maybe bolding their numbers (numbers of the list). And then...distinguish the player with most active votes (player, closest to lynch) even more. By bolding his list number and his name?
So that if I want to quickly skim through, I am easily reminded of who stands where.
And if you will keep on updating this kind of vote count, how big will it be after two RL weeks in the game? Three weeks? A chaotic mess of information, where you can easily make mistakes.
So I guess, it would be smarter to provide a shorter vote count of active votes. And if asked, provide the messy one in addition.
So that if I want to quickly skim through, I am easily reminded of who stands where.
And if you will keep on updating this kind of vote count, how big will it be after two RL weeks in the game? Three weeks? A chaotic mess of information, where you can easily make mistakes.
So I guess, it would be smarter to provide a shorter vote count of active votes. And if asked, provide the messy one in addition.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted April 29, 2016

Do most players here think that most 13 player games are simply 10v3 and that I'm wrong with my "normal" being 9v3v1? Regardless, now you understand what I was saying. I hope.

He was on earlier, but since D1 votes aren't really helpful, he decided there's nth else to do, so he's done with D1 altogether?
Vote babark

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted April 29, 2016
Hijack, CSPVG, and Babark. Each of you please post at least one game-relevant observation about the setup and/or another player (either in relation to the setup or their game-relevant observation on another player). As an example, an observation about my and Dessimu's conversation regarding the familial ties between me and Drealmer would not meet this request, because that whole conversation wasn't really game relevant.
Everyone else has posted at least one observation, though some are really close to the "zero border". CSPVG is also close to the border, but he ultimately fell on the other side of it.
a4plz, you might be well served to do similarly.
Everyone else has posted at least one observation, though some are really close to the "zero border". CSPVG is also close to the border, but he ultimately fell on the other side of it.
a4plz, you might be well served to do similarly.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted April 29, 2016

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted April 29, 2016

It's hard for me to go to that hypothetical because I am pretty solid that we're just good vs. evil/10v3 here. I'm not entirely opposed to considering something else if someone presents something that warrants consideration, but, I'm not doing that myself. (it looks like you're trying to get me to do that because you like to get me into trouble when I blabble... *ping*)

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted April 29, 2016

I never really understood, what prod is or how does it work. Closest to my understanding is "warning" or "sanction". What is it? What happens, when player is prodded?

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted April 29, 2016
It's a reminder for the player to return to the game. If a player gets prodded and doesn't return, they will be replaced.