Posted May 16, 2016

I'm not scum, no worries. Just the act of being reasonable in such a situation is very suspicious :D.
but i digress. @babark - why do you seem to need to let us know that you're not scum so early on? were you really that afraid. And why don't you say that you are town? it doesn't come up. you say you aren't scum. and then this....

If you have lingo questions and such, feel free to ask. I'm asking for an observation from you about some specific aspect of the game, whether it be a mechanic or a player. For example, Flub just gave some analysis about Drealmer, people have commented on No Lynch, people have commented on role claims.

BTW, it does take a while to get use to the lingo. The commonly used abbreviations section of the wiki is really helpful.

Again, I'm not sure whether or not my vote is a serious one, but given the current situation (nothing has really happened yet), I'm not sure a serious vote is possible. Still, best to make SOME guess rather than none, at least even if it is wrong, it will push things forward and help create a situation where people's reactions may help find out the actual scum.
Having said that, if I were scum, I'd totally be super organisey and helpful and doing everything to rally people behind me (or at least agree with me) so as to draw attention away from myself.
Not sure how I can prove I'm not scum, however. I give you my word? :D
am i stretching for something? maybe - but as a townie, i've never felt like i've needed to prove anything, because i just am. Were you scared of being found out? Where does this fear come from? Do you still have this fear?