GameRager: Read the bit at the end of my last post.....the article has claimed(by some people in the field) that the limit is not as high as one thinks.
Irregardless, we can only go so high before the returns become near equivalent to 0.
Flesh420.613: It's most certainly higher than 90Hz.
Most people that argue against are people that don't own higher Hz monitors. I used to argue with my buddy about this all the time, saying the same shit. Until I got a decent monitor. Even my wife who doesn't game noticed the instant I plugged in my 144Hz. Going from 144 to 244 isn't as crazy but there's a noticeable difference as well. At least for me, not as much as 60 to 144 but it's still certainly there.
i could go back down to 144Hz and it wouldn't be so bad, but anything lower would be torture and give me headaches.
1. It likely is, but there is likely still a limit and going beyond a limit before that limit will produce diminishing returns over time as one approaches the true max limit.
2. Yes, but how much of that is from hitting that Hz of the new screnjn and not due to bypassing a number between the old monitor's Hz and the new one's? Basically how much of that improvement is due to only bypassing that Hz level or reaching it and not due to just improving the Hz just a bit/in general?
One would have to increase it a bit by bit to see how much improvement each increment added.
3. I've played on all sorts of monitors and to me i've never experienced such....though I am guessing not everyone is the same in such cases and there are exceptions(obv).