Posted July 08, 2016

I dunno
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted August 19, 2018

Why people throw a fit over people who are good at informatics is odd, information is information
Yeah, I did this because I was being cheeky... but I never paid attention to key resellers' before until I recently wanted to play Prey (2006) again but didn't have the original media. The only ways to acquire the game turned into considering it Abandonware (which is still piracy) or getting a key from a reseller and activating it under steam. Obviously, I chose the latter.
Was wanting other items that are no longer marketed by GoG and thought key resellers might be a good alternative here. Little did I know there was a whole industry of shenanigans going on about them... I still find it a shame that people keep throwing fits and games get removed from the market as a side effect.
Post edited August 19, 2018 by Merranvo