Avogadro6: If he's played only on consoles then he missed out on FPS, RTS, TBS and RPGs.
dtgreene: Actually, there are definitely RPGs on consoles. It's just that, for whatever reason, consoles have attracted a different style than PCs did.
For example, Final Fantasy 5 and Wizardry 8 (both among my favorite games of all time) are very different from one another, but they're still both RPGs.
I didn't say there aren't RPGs for consoles (I've had a PS1 btw, which is now borked unfortunately) I said he missed out on a few genres because they never reached the same popularity they had on PC.
There is a ton of PC classics that console players probably never heard of, and even those that were ported (e.g. Doom or C&C) were simply not as fun to play as the originals - first and foremost because they didn't work that well with a controller.