Pre-warning: I am seriously thinking of quitting
Fallout Tactics (with the Redux 1.3 mod). And i am only few missions away from the ending (now in the Buena Vista mission, and four more missions to go after that, out of total 22 + training missions).
Yeah I am playing the game in the hardest difficulty so I shouldn't complain... but I feel the difficulty level is still unfair and makes savescumming a necessity to survive. Now, I am unsure if this is partly due to the mod and if the vanilla game is much easier even in the highest diffifculty, but I didn't want to play without the mod as it apparently fixes lots of issues in the game.
Ok, so I am already close to the end, all party members are in high levels 24 or so and finely-tuned combat skills (all are great at long range sniping and energy weapons, and two are great with big weapons too, etc.), two main soldiers have the best armor in the game (Advanced Power Armor) while the rest have "regular" Power Armor...
...yet I am still constantly struggling against any supermutants and most robots, Very often they can still kill my party members with one hit, e.g. if a super mutant fires a rocket at my party, they sometimes do over 300 points of damage (and the HP of my characters is well under 200), even when wearing the best armor. Also their accuracy in unparallel, they can outsnipe even my best sniper (who has perception 10, Sharpshooter perk etc. etc.) with energy weapons, which should have much lower range than sniper weapons, and Supermutants can also fire rocket launchers from insane ranges. It is also odd that when I hit enemies with rockets, I do much less damage, usually maybe couple dozen points, with a critical hit something like 170 points at best. Never over 300 points like super mutants or hover bots do.
Really, many times the only way to survive is in combat to quicksave a game, snipe at an enemy eyes... and retry that as many times until you finally get lucky and the enemy loses its consciousness (after which it won't fire back at you, as long as it is unconscious). Savescumming at its worst, saving and reloading after every move, but what options do I have?
In the Buena Vista mission, I am now trying to enter a big factory. As soon as I step in, six or more deadly robots appear around the party. I try some tricks like sending only one soldier in sneak mode and then send it back right away (so that I am not caught in crossfire between the robots), but as soon as I start fighting the robots, they can certainly kill any of my party members with a few evergy weapon hits, even with advanced power armor. There doesn't seem to be any alternative entrances to the factory, and trying to get past the robots sneaking doesn't work either, all party members will be detected quite soon, even those with very high sneak skill.
I also played Fallout 1-2 in the hardest difficulty and don't remember similar big issues with them. I am regarding Fallout Tactics as a kinda tactical RPG where I get to develop and equip my characters, and my expectation for games like these is that near the end I am getting so powerful that I can handle even the hardest enemies (non-bosses) quite nicely. This doesn't seem to be happening with Fallout Tactics, I am constantly struggling with robots and supermutants, even with the best armor and weapons the game has to offer. Even in random encounters, I pretty much have to run away from supermutants. In Fallout 2, I recall that while at first Enclave soldiers could easily destroy my whole team, later in the game I was so powerful I could handle Enclave soldiers quite nicely, with advanced weapons and armor.
What's the point of playing this game anymore? I'd like to give some feedback to the mod author, is this how this game is supposed to be, and is it different from the vanilla game?
EDIT: I decided to make some questions about this in the Fallout subforum, also some other questions I had about the gameplay: