Kazica: So I've played a lot of games dealing with greif and getting through the five stages of it. Just wondering if there was anytyhing simular for depression/anxity to help lesson thier effects of the illness in the real world as I live with cronic deppresion and anxity disorder.
First of all *big hugs*.
I've been dealing with this shit since my teens, and that's.... a long time now.
Now for the games: There are a few games that might help you, but that really depends on your disposition and mood.
Someone brought up The Cat Lady... difficult. It's a very dark game, and IMO the best game about depression ever made. It might help you - because it could make you feel understood, but it might also drag you further down.
I don't know about your music tastes, but IMO the best album about depression is Nine Inch Nails' "The Downward Spiral", If you know that, and it helps you cope, The Cat Lady might help too.
If you feel outcast, and in yourself actually think "I'm the good guy, it's the world that is wrong" - have a look at the Witcher games. If you're into reading, please read the books first (the games are a continuation of the books).
If you just need to get your mind off stuff and try to reach some meditative feeling - games like Race the Sun helped me with that.
And if you're in really in need to lighten your mood - the Amanita Design games always managed to do that for me. I'd recommend Botanicula and Chuchel for a start.
Also, if you feel the need to talk - my chat is open. Just might take a while until I answer, because I have family and job - just be patient.
Linko90: A Hat In Time is super charming to the point where I just grin at the screen. It's so wholesome and charming, I feel like it would be a good option for yourself.