BlueMooner: Respawns? Really?? That further damages realism. Next you'll tell me it gives achievements.
Cadaver747: occasionally there are really good exclusives
BlueMooner: Such as? I just have an overall negative experience with console games. Not just map size, but incredibly simplified (dare I say "juvenile") content and plot, and a clunky, blocky feel. Jade Empire sounded awesome, but gameplay was sadly underwhelming.
Calling console "juvenile" and "simplified" it's a simpleton way of thinking. You do realize that even PC got a ton of juvenile oriented games and many are simplified as well. It's like calling console is for toddler when many people here got their first gaming experience from console and people cherish them. This is why some people despise the so called "PC Master Race" that term was coined by Yahtzee as a joke but some people took it too seriously and wore it as an actual badge.
toxicTom: Ever played Beneath a Steel Sky on Amiga from Diskettes? Zen or quit.
No wonder it's given for free on GOG. At least I played it on more modern computer and not tortured by the loading time.