Posted October 17, 2019
I met more than a few people who praised that game. And not in form of all tools that are available and user content that appeared afterwards, but in a form of vanilla campaign.
Always raises my brows.
Pherim: I think most people agree that it is awful, and I also believe that NWN is mostly loved because of the multiplayer part, especially persistent worlds and such, but I never played it like that - and the third party modules you already mentioned. I've played the official modules, including the premium ones, but I really wasn't too impressed by any of them - ok, SoU and HotU were really not bad, but it's been some time since I played them. I recently began Darkness over Daggerford (the free module for the original NWN, not the premium EE version) to see if it is really as good as I've heard. But I'm not very far into it, so I can't tell, yet. Honestly, I never played it as multiplayer at all. My connection options were bad back when this game was popular, and when I got decent connection nobody remembered NWN1 (Darth Muffin maybe). Most people forgot NWN2 to that moment. :)
But I agree, I sincerely don't get "da hype" about NWN1 campaign.
Pherim: I also don't like the interface (some issues could be resolved with mods though) and I'm not too fond of the overall gameplay. I love the party-based D&D games with the Infinity Engine (BG-PST-IWD), including the combat, but when you control only one character, there are much fewer tactical options and combat gets boring pretty fast (this is also one of the problems I have with KOTOR - though you can control companions, you only control one at a time). Not to mention "partner" AI who was beyond stooopeed. I ground my teeth a lot when I waited till companion do something I needed. When I got an option to workaround my way into adding some options for my character I had no access to due to class limitations I forgot about them and haven't used them. In add-ons it was a little bit easier, but again, nothing to write home about. Unless you want to sent a Litany of Curses. :) Sadly NWN2 also suffers from this to an extent, I can't remember how many times Neeshka ignored all the traps.
Honestly KOTOR is also on my "meh" list. Not because I got "disappointed with Bioware" as some people on BSN tried to blame me when I criticized ME3. :D
For many reasons. True, I'm not hardcore Star Wars fan - other than Kyle Katarn cycle, the only SW game I really like is Republic Commando. But I digress. My list of complains to KOTOR starts with bioware template (I figured out who is proverbial father of Luke Skywalker early on:) and wasn't really impressed when TRUTH UNVEILED), and gameplay left a lot of questions you mentioned. Yes, while technically it was somewhat possible to makeshift party controls like in IWD/BG, overall it wasn't like that. Plus some story branches really made me roll my eyes.
Simply put, for me Bioware between Baldurs Gate and Mass Effect 1 are kinda meh company. I'm not saying they went Andromeda, but as hard as I'm trying, I can't remember a single moment that was really memorable. Other than that sexually abused droid. Poor thing. And HK-47, of course. :D Probably the best that came out of this game.
GenlyAi: By community mods I really meant community patches (which seemed to be the case, unless I'm misread your earlier post). (I'm a bit confused about how to quote here... I'll try to fix later. Nuh, it is fine. I mean community patch, same as you.
GenlyAi: No sure if that was the case where you lived, but D1 simply was not being sold in Brazil at the time! From Diablo 2 on, then, Blizzard came in in "force" in Brazil and I bought legally all their games ever since! (still have D2 box actually!) I'll later read the post on the "comedy in four acts" post! About the story, maybe I was being a bit too harsh, we did have Cain's 'stay awhile and listen' after all. :) Honestly, due to time I don't remember whether we had legit copies of Blizzard games back in the days. I bought Fallout 1, so some were present, but very rare and expensive. Some time later (around 2000) more games started out to be legitimately present via localized copies. Sadly my localized version (sort of, I don't remember whether it was actually localized) exploded in my drive. :) But then I went to army service, so it wasn't a problem for a while. :D
Cain's fate is one of reasons I don't get D3. Added for sake of being added, like OMG much drama, so tense, very thrilling.
I'm not either, especially on space ships combat:), but some things, after you experienced them yourself, you simply can't ignore or let slide. It's not that difficutl to make them right, it will require minor alterations that in no way will affect story. But will look less of a "food stuck between teeth" moments. After all, they don't live under a rock, Edmonton is pretty big city, and has some active military units. Like go ask something not related to secwet squiwwel FOUO information. Nope, artistic integrity.
I met more than a few people who praised that game. And not in form of all tools that are available and user content that appeared afterwards, but in a form of vanilla campaign.
Always raises my brows.

But I agree, I sincerely don't get "da hype" about NWN1 campaign.

Honestly KOTOR is also on my "meh" list. Not because I got "disappointed with Bioware" as some people on BSN tried to blame me when I criticized ME3. :D
For many reasons. True, I'm not hardcore Star Wars fan - other than Kyle Katarn cycle, the only SW game I really like is Republic Commando. But I digress. My list of complains to KOTOR starts with bioware template (I figured out who is proverbial father of Luke Skywalker early on:) and wasn't really impressed when TRUTH UNVEILED), and gameplay left a lot of questions you mentioned. Yes, while technically it was somewhat possible to makeshift party controls like in IWD/BG, overall it wasn't like that. Plus some story branches really made me roll my eyes.
Simply put, for me Bioware between Baldurs Gate and Mass Effect 1 are kinda meh company. I'm not saying they went Andromeda, but as hard as I'm trying, I can't remember a single moment that was really memorable. Other than that sexually abused droid. Poor thing. And HK-47, of course. :D Probably the best that came out of this game.

Cain's fate is one of reasons I don't get D3. Added for sake of being added, like OMG much drama, so tense, very thrilling.
I'm not either, especially on space ships combat:), but some things, after you experienced them yourself, you simply can't ignore or let slide. It's not that difficutl to make them right, it will require minor alterations that in no way will affect story. But will look less of a "food stuck between teeth" moments. After all, they don't live under a rock, Edmonton is pretty big city, and has some active military units. Like go ask something not related to secwet squiwwel FOUO information. Nope, artistic integrity.
Post edited October 17, 2019 by RudyLis