Posted March 01, 2016
Well, at least from before almost everyone had ready access to the internet. Nowadays when I see a game that piques my interest, I can quickly find any preview articles, screenshots and gameplay videos on the internet to satisfy my curiosity. Back then you might only have a single gametrailer, sneak peek or a couple of teaser screenshots to go on, perhaps from a demo disc in a gaming magazine, or included in some other game. Then you'd gawk over it day after day, wondering what the game was like :)
Remember any particular ones that used to drive you mad with curiosity? There's one I'll never forget, which was viewed from the original Red Alert's menu: Lands of Lore 2. It used to blew me away back then! Still kinda does though :D
Remember any particular ones that used to drive you mad with curiosity? There's one I'll never forget, which was viewed from the original Red Alert's menu: Lands of Lore 2. It used to blew me away back then! Still kinda does though :D
Post edited March 03, 2016 by Matewis