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Karterii1993: Hiya,

It's 2019 and we can't have nice things. Most 'professional' gaming websites are even worse than your average sponsored YouTube reviewer/news-repeater because they are either completely bought out by major publishers, absolutely incompetent or pretentious. On the other hand, YouTube personalities are mostly unbearably obnoxious as they often try to be funny by inserting memes, overused images or making funny faces / doing funny voices. If they aren't obnoxious, they are predictable and offer no real insight into the game/news they are talking about but are instead just parroting the common opinion online. And of course they are painfully narcissistic and think a video about a game should be less about the game and more about themselves.

I am looking for someone who talks calmly, doesn't make dumb jokes, doesn't really have a 'style' but is rather dry, and yet still is clearly enthusiastic about video games and not just a mainstream-pleaser. Someone who reviews mainstream games as well as well-produced Indie games. Someone who focuses mostly on PC games and not the billions of metroidvania 8/16-bit inspired platformers.

The closest I've gotten is 'Worth a Buy', since he reviews traditional-style PC games instead of the latest anime console-focused platformer, but he too belongs to the obnoxious joke-y category of YouTubers since he presents his opinions like a cartoon character. Another reference for what I am looking for is older reviews done by the german GameStar team (which fellow Germans may know as the game reviews that were posted in german AOL's gaming section back in the early 2000s).

Phew, I think I got all my criteria written up here. Thanks for trying to help!
I personally like Yahtzee on 'Zero Punctuation' always good how he calmly rips off the many in game tropes and flaws in modern games.
DadJoke007: This made me realize how much I miss content from TotalBiscuit.
Karterii1993: Man, don't even bring him up because it just makes me sad. He was far and away the best 'news and reviews' gaming channel. If he was still around, I wouldn't have made this thread.
Yeah, I really don't have an answer. No one has stepped up to claim TotalBiscuit's mantle. We may never see another PC-focused channel covering both current mainstream and Indi games in an informative style that even comes close to his level of popularity. Not on modern day Youtube.

At least there's plenty of great informative retrospective PC channels like MandaloreGaming and LGR.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by markrichardb
After a decade of browsing those channels I can safely say that Joseph Anderson, who I stumbled across thanks to youtubes algorythm, is pretty much almost the only one I can personally stand and watch anymore. His content resolves around game criticism, but besides this, he also does twitch streams that partially focus on comedy. Besides that, because he is a pateon person, to get your monies worth he sometimes does Q&A sessions with his userbase that often get over 6 hours long which he then posts publically after a while. For those interested, he was on the co-optional podcast once, which incedently also happens to be one of the best episodes they've ever did.

With him, things can go pretty in-depth and even meta sometimes, expecially his rants about game reviewing in general. Hes way less biased to stuff than your avarage. He is also mr. anti-ad hominem. Instead of having some sort of agenda or even vendetta towards a certain genre (and the devs connected to it), he pretty much simply just tells you what he observes, while bringin in some expertise. With that I mean that besides doing youtube videos, he actually knows some the intricacies of storytelling since he has written books professionally so he has at least some level of expertise in the field. Expect down-to-earth commentary that is above anything else realistic and without the comentator putting himself on a pedestial, unlike many other youtubers. This is just from my point of view but if there is actual 10/10 content, it probably comes from this man.

With all of this written, I think there is a good chance that you like his content based on what you've written OP.

EDIT: GOGs formatting is weird so here is an example of his style of comedy.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Dray2k
This list covers "reviewers" but also those who make sensible in-depth videos on gaming in general

- Adam Millard
- Daniel Ibbertson
- DWTerminator
- Errant Signal
- Extra Credits (they now branch into many categories, e.g. history, myth, and gaming videos are few and far between)
- Game Maker's Toolkit
- Games as Literature
- Gameumentary
- Gaming Historian (mainly retro games and hardwares)
- Joseph Anderson
- JudgeMathas
- Larry Bundy Jr
- LGR (obviously)
- Noclip (documentaries)
- Nostalgia Nerd (retro themed content)
- RagnarRox
- Randomise User (I only prefer this channel for the Game Jam compilation videos)
- Snoman Gaming
- Writing on Games
Well, I do have a game/books/movies related blog that hasn't yet been bought up by the big business.
low rated
This is going to seem like a bizarre suggestion, but Neogaf.

Now that their worst users are in a cesspit called ResetEra, the site has become readable and friendly once more.
rtcvb32: ProJared... haven't seen him post much stuff lately.
There's a good reason for that.
rtcvb32: ProJared... haven't seen him post much stuff lately.
DadJoke007: There's a good reason for that.
And divorcing his wife on twitter while cheating on her, plus a whole circus of mistakes in the way he handled it.
I think the IGN & Gamespot video reviews are pretty ok.

The pre-2000 PC Gamer UK magazines were awesome... nothing ever replaced them, for me.
Darvond: And divorcing his wife on twitter while cheating on her, plus a whole circus of mistakes in the way he handled it.
I heard there were things going on, but didn't pay much mind.

Though the last video i recall him doing, there was some asbestos or something that needed cleaning his house.

Hope things clear up. No one likes drama.
Darvond: And divorcing his wife on twitter while cheating on her, plus a whole circus of mistakes in the way he handled it.
rtcvb32: I heard there were things going on, but didn't pay much mind.

Though the last video i recall him doing, there was some asbestos or something that needed cleaning his house.

Hope things clear up. No one likes drama.
In perhaps a blunt opinion, his problems were entirely self-inflicted.