OK, fully caught up with all the +1s, you all rock!
Following the examples of
and [url=https://www.gog.com/forum/general/give_received_summer_sale_2015_free_game_keys_here/post102]IAmSinistar, my humble offerings are:
[GIVE] Gobliiins pack
[SENT] Deponia - to RenKalan
[GIVE] Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
[GIVE] PixelJunk Monsters HD
[GIVE] Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure)
And I'll be a complete copycat and also say:
Reply to this post with which one you want. I will favour people I know first, but anyone can ask.
[W̶A̶N̶T̶] Received Xenonauts form the ever generous Getcomposted - cheers, mate, very much appreciated. :-)
But only if other worthy fellow GOGgers got their wish first.