Posted August 19, 2013

I'm for it. I'm not giving anyone the chance to get free hits on me. You want to hit me? Come to me and make the hits, not ignore the ball on kickoff.
Any opportunity I can do to minimize my risk of getting hit, I'm taking it, whether it be camping the ball for the TD that extra turn or yanking guys back on that last turn and putting my 3 easiest guys to replace if something happens on the LOS at the end of a game. It's all about risk assessment on the pitch. Anything to make my guys survive longer so long as they're useful to me.
I'll say I'm less likely to do it if I've got the game sealed up, but honestly, leave a team with two turns and if Riot shows up on the kick-off table and the game gets the clock moved back a turn, that makes things a lot more stressful. You're not out of the woods, as while difficult, the opposition can score it in 3 turns (in most cases, the ability is at least present) Generally, two-turn TDs are a lot harder, but a three-turn one gives for a smidgeon of error.
Turn 16 fouling irks me more than a camped TD drive does, honestly.