Posted January 11, 2016
low rated

Be tolerant towards people that want their partner natural and they'll be tolerant towards you.
I wouldn't want a girl with lots of piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, make up etc... so guess how compatible even more intrusive body-mods are to this "fetish".
How we treat our body says a lot about how we perceive, accept and attend to ourselves.

Also, see this paper for an example of an XY woman becoming pregnant:

I note that some studies have shown that the brains of transgender people are physically different (in at least one region) than those of cisgender people that were assigned the same at birth and more like the gender they identify as.
Edit: Also, when referring to a transgender person, it is never appropriate to refer to said person with the person's birth name and pronouns, unless the person has explicitly asked for them (and not later said otherwise). By referring to Caitlyn Jenner by her birth name and using male pronouns to refer to her, you have been extremely disrespectful. How would you like it if someone kept calling *you* by the wrong name?
Post edited January 11, 2016 by dtgreene