I guess it depends on which achievement person are you.
Those who are in competitive and/or bragging group would really take the hit.
While those on inner-completionist and/or personal-challenge type wouldn't really care. (they could also be part of the above group - yeah)
If speaking solely on GOG's side: games with missing/broken achievements are a much bigger concern than any achievement-cheating mechanism. (there's even a thread for it)
But perhaps they can unlock those that doesn't even exist here. (now,
that's something...)
AB2012 already said, if someone wants to cheat, they'll find other ways to cheat.
Also even without the use of softwares, by going to extremities, you could call in a friend or relative and say: "
sit there game master and unlock this for me".
Not even being locked online would block that. It's earned in your account sure, but it's still not
your achievement.
paladin181: How does it devalue anyone's efforts to have someone else complete something? IF you did it, you did it. How does what others do even remotely factor into that?
BreOl72: It's all about e-peens.
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This is simply gold.