babark: Honestly, the simplest, most immediately effective and complete solution is implementing one of the hundreds of well established pre-existing forum solutions that already include all these things as a very obvious default (I've had good experiences with yaBB and phpBB). The problem would of course be that all the old stuff would be lost, but I'd almost be willing to accept that trade-off, and for the REALLY important stuff, I could or others could, or perhaps even gog could, archive them or save and repost them with correct dates in the new DB.
While it would be technically easier, it's still likely expensive enough that GOG don't want to do it, at least not until they see it as an essential overhaul. My advice about convincing current active members who knows IT to help with specific solutions is about as close you are going to get to find a
real solution in a decent time frame.
Azhdar: I mean important issues (not just an avatar bug) and lack of some features may cause some users leaves the forum. Rep system is good if it works like those rep systems in other universal forums (my suggestions).
For me, browsing all posts and advanced search are main concerns. Because neither GOG built-in search nor Google are helpful.
That might be right, but I still stand by my advice: pick the most important feature and find IT people here that are willing to offer a potential solution.