Iathronqhl: I know it's sort of my own fault for not checking the installation options, but since when does it install with game installers? What sense would it make to ship it with games in the first place? Not apparently with all games, which is what fooled me, so what's the point?
There's been a lot of discussion/complaints about this. Basically, for newer games, GOG is going to add Galaxy to the installer if the game is one that supports Galaxy features. You can opt to DL the non-Galaxy installers from your library by going to 'MORE' and choosing the 'classic installers'. This cannot yet be set to a default choice though. Supposedly GOG is going to provide that as an option sometime in the future.
When installing a game that has Galaxy included, you can opt out when running the installer if you click on the Options button. Somewhat hidden, to be sure, but it's there.
Why are they doing this? The cynic wold surmise that it's an attempt to get people to install Galaxy without knowing it so they'd perhaps be tempted to use it anyway. GOG says it's actually cut way, way down on Support requests from people that don't understand where to get Galaxy or why they don't have 'Cheevos, Cloud Saves, etc.