Posted August 07, 2013

Did you not think my report about Messiah was worth including though? It would be nice if GOG added the 3dFX exe to their version at least, to give people the choice, if not actually including nGlide as an option or the only way its set up out of the box...
*edit* wait, maybe I'm not explaining this very well, thinking about it - Messiah is one of those games, that instead of allowing you to chose your renderer from a menu, has 2 different executable files to run the game - Messiah.exe and Messiah3dfx.exe I think the 3DFx one was added later in a patch, the GOG version is patched to that version but the Messiah3DFX.exe file is missing

Maybe, the Messiah3DFX doesn't work? Or, in the initial post, you are saying it DOES work, but you had to find it on your own? And no, I did not include it because your point was unclear.
Looking at the forum, some people are still not having much luck with the 3DFx version while others are running the Out of the Box version fine - Messiah is not right at the moment, GOG could do with re-visiting the whole thing but I think the absence of the 3DFX executable is particularly odd considering some people, like myself, have had got it running the best with it.