Posted October 19, 2019

Again, did you even read what he wrote? Or are you so angry by now, that you are in pure fight- mode and don't bother actually understanding what SPF writes?
@GR: please read posts 477 and 499 where I detail what was off with blotunga.
About SPF: it would make no sense at all for him to be the remaining scum. If be were, he could just go the path of least resistance and go about lynching one of the 4 generally suspect players. Everybody would go along and SPF would win. Going after the two half- confirmed 'Masons' would be unnecessary for a lone remaining scum in SPFs position.
Also he was the main driving force behind the lynch if the first two scum.
2nd bit: He likely sees it as either dumb town play or very scummy play by SPF.
3rd bit: I you are suspicious of blotunga because he tried protecting my PR info from everyone when SPF and others egged him on to fullclaim no matter what that might do to the game? is that about it? Or did I miss something?
4th bit-5th bit: Or he could be scum trying to look as town as possible by doing such.....that is also possible though tbh I am not so sure either that scum would be so visible.

Please consider especially the theory that at least one if the four suspects is a town PR.

I am suspecting pooka and nmillar. I already went over that and the reasons for my suspicion haven't changed. So let's go with the one who is within the leading two for most of us.
vote Pooka


Vote pooka
To all: At this point, I don't want to lynch Pooka if they turn out to be a fellow town and my lucky streak of hitting scum finally comes to an end, but on the other hand we have a somewhat decent chance(though not the best) to hit the last scum.....decisions decisions.
I will wait for Pooka to talk a bit more before deciding, or if they aren't back on by deadline I will vote and see what happens.
If I make it to the next 'day'(not likely with my luck, but then scum might let us live to make us look suspect as I said earlier) and Pooka isn't scum then I will either choose one of the lurkers or SPF(the lurkers are a bit higher in my list atm).
I will also be on for another 4 hours or so, give or take, so this might be your last chance to ask me stuff on the current "day".
Thoughts, anyone?