Posted November 24, 2020

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted November 24, 2020

@ZFR: yes, I missed Joppo. But I don't have a read on him either.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted November 24, 2020

So then what are your thoughts on a D2 NL vs/instead of a D1 NL? Just as bad to you or no? And why?
Sidenote/question: ZFR showed that the one site recommends a NL in this type of game as a valid strategy, and also posted some math to back it up before that as well.
Yes, looking for suspect posts and actions helps too, but shouldn't we try ALL valid strategies to win?
(Might need another bump, if anyone wants to be generous)

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted November 24, 2020
Replied to Joe and Lift
(Op: No votes in this post)
PP Edit: Thanks ZFR
JoeSapphire: I don't like lift's insinuation that calculating probabilities isn't fun and trent's insinuation that zfr wants to dictate the whole game by numbers Eh, they just want the game to be fun for I can kinda see where they're coming from a bit....still, I think everyone in these games should allow (within reason, of course...if said players are civil/etc) other players to play as they will/want.
(For example[no offense to anyone with this bit btw]: I find the math some players post to be a bit dry and my mind sometimes skips over some of it, but I am ok with players doing such as that is how they play)
Solution: Make a new one....use plenty of mauve and chartreuse maybe. :)
Lifthrasil: Depends on whether we have good reads or no. I see NL rather as an option for late game. So, if we feel we have to play it safe on D4 I would be more comfortable with the suggestion of NL than on D1. Wouldn't it also be a valid strategy to do it early on(not too early on like D1, maybe D2 or D3, but not too late in the game either) to make the player pool smaller and thus make it easier to hit/find scum?
(Op: No votes in this post)
PP Edit: Thanks ZFR

(For example[no offense to anyone with this bit btw]: I find the math some players post to be a bit dry and my mind sometimes skips over some of it, but I am ok with players doing such as that is how they play)
Solution: Make a new one....use plenty of mauve and chartreuse maybe. :)

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted November 24, 2020

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted November 24, 2020

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 24, 2020
Feel free to ask me about it when D2 comes (or D3, or D4 and so on). Right now it's D1 and talking about what we're going to do on a future day instead of figuring out Today is nothing other than a distraction and misplaced effort. Both of those things aren't helping us and are likely helping the scum therefore I don't like it at this moment.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted November 24, 2020
I know...I was more or less just musing on the idea that players should be allowed to play as they want(within reason and the rules, of course).
(Bump needed to make one reply...sorry for being such a pest, everyone :))
(Bump needed to make one reply...sorry for being such a pest, everyone :))

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 24, 2020

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted November 24, 2020

Will do :)
(Brb btw, going to store..back in a bit)

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 24, 2020
And how is it going so far? On a side-note, have you formed any reads that aren't related to your standing on NL Today (it's OK if they're still driven by the NL discussions) but are more focused on how you feel about other players?

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted November 24, 2020
OK, with all lurkers, except nmillar, reporting I'll quickly offer my reads before heading off for the night.
I'm Town-reading Pooka because of this. His bragging rights:
had 3 names. Despite the fact that we have only 2 scum. My first impression was that I don't see scum Pooka giving 3 names; on the other hand a Town person who wasn't paying attention to the signup thread mentioning 2 scum might genuinely think there are 3 of them, since that's the normal number in a PR game.
Pooka could be of course WIFOMly pretending not to know for this same reason, but I don't see it to be honest.
I was wondering if anyone (Joe?) would notice the bragging rights trio and comment on it, but no one did.
trent and Lift I find slightly scummy, but it could be I'm subconsciously tunneling because of their insinuations that I'm trying to just solve the game by numbers. Lift more than trent: trent gave the impression that he didn't fully read what I was proposing so it's more NAI in trent's case. That said, I'm still hoping trent would explain how he knew by post 48 what I was proposing in post 68 (or if it was an oversight on his part?) and hoping he'd give more reads and participate more: be the change you want to see in the game and all that.
Koro reaction seems Town to me. But again it could be me subsconsciously liking someone agreeing with my ideea.
GH seems usual.
dedo seemed neutral, but it's interesting that Joe found something that reminded him of Town-dedo.
Everyone else - nothing much. Least of all nmillar.
Lift and joppo. Lift's missing of joppo in his read list was actually a slip. He got all the Townies and forgot to include his partner. How is that for a theory?
I'm Town-reading Pooka because of this. His bragging rights:
had 3 names. Despite the fact that we have only 2 scum. My first impression was that I don't see scum Pooka giving 3 names; on the other hand a Town person who wasn't paying attention to the signup thread mentioning 2 scum might genuinely think there are 3 of them, since that's the normal number in a PR game.
Pooka could be of course WIFOMly pretending not to know for this same reason, but I don't see it to be honest.
I was wondering if anyone (Joe?) would notice the bragging rights trio and comment on it, but no one did.
trent and Lift I find slightly scummy, but it could be I'm subconsciously tunneling because of their insinuations that I'm trying to just solve the game by numbers. Lift more than trent: trent gave the impression that he didn't fully read what I was proposing so it's more NAI in trent's case. That said, I'm still hoping trent would explain how he knew by post 48 what I was proposing in post 68 (or if it was an oversight on his part?) and hoping he'd give more reads and participate more: be the change you want to see in the game and all that.
Koro reaction seems Town to me. But again it could be me subsconsciously liking someone agreeing with my ideea.
GH seems usual.
dedo seemed neutral, but it's interesting that Joe found something that reminded him of Town-dedo.
Everyone else - nothing much. Least of all nmillar.
Lift and joppo. Lift's missing of joppo in his read list was actually a slip. He got all the Townies and forgot to include his partner. How is that for a theory?

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 24, 2020

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland