Posted July 14, 2018

2. (@HSL) Seriously? You stress the point that we have only 5 min left, AND YET YOU DON'T VOTE? Rather you wait until after the deadline to 'vote', which might at that point as well have been an act. WHY?! Even if you are scum, this is bad play. Unless, of course, both leading wagons happened to be on scumbuddies of you and you didn't want to start bussing on D1. Is that it? Are cristi and ZFR your buddies?
3. Another WTF post. You need time to claim? For what? To fabricate a false-claim that sounds believable? You don't need time for a truthful claim. You just write your name and your role. That doesn't take more time that writing 'I need time to claim'.
Don't get me wrong. I can understand that one doesn't want to claim at L-2 under certain circumstances. Or even that sometimes it's good not to claim at all. But that's not what you wrote. You wrote that you need time to claim - and that's a big scum sign! Yesterday I found it credible that you are on to something concerning flubb. But after this post, I think I was wrong yesterday and you are one of the scummiest players around after all. Sharing that spot with HSL, at the moment.
4. I am somewhat dubious of that claim. While we have been explicitly told that there is no connection between role names and alignment, there does seem to be a connection between role name and role power. Kara as roleblocker totally makes sense (she likes drinking or f*ing with some buddy at night, after all. Which I imagine to be quite distracting). Baltar as Miller also fits the character from the movie. But Roslin as a vanilla nobody? No, that doesn't fit. She's the goddamn president! So I would expect her to have some power.
2. lol - good to see some things don't change
3. I disagree. Look back at what's happening (at least, to the extent I can recreate it) and in the context of gog's crappy software. Say cristi is UTR (useful town role) - she's L-2, but like a bunch of people have already gone off-line and at least one of those not on her wagon who's present is indicating they won't vote her. Do you really just up and claim in a situation where the votes just may not be there? For the record, I'm not clearing her - I just also wholly understand not just coughing up info at EOD when there's at least a solid chance no lynch happens even if you sit pat. may have noticed, no lynch DID happen. But I'd be curious what you think we should do with the fact that if she is town, scum know she's town and ergo probably assume she's roled up based on the sum of her EOD posts.
4. Interesting connection on how roleblocker would work flavour-wise. It's flavour, of course, so meh. But pursue your own logic - you believe the role should be related to the character. Which common or semi-common role would you tie to this president? Cop? Doctor? JOAT? Serial Killer?
We're not talking about the president from Saints Row 4, after all.
I think you are right tactically that we should brig ZFR. That hadn't occurred to me, but it's sound. I would amend it should be done before night, but I'm not inclined to do it until we see D2 take shape a bit. There's no scum daychat, so no rush, and while he should be brigged overnight, it does impact the vote (and maj#) as well, which we should at least consider if not discuss.
At risk of raising eyebrows, I'm going to go against the grain (and my own meta) and say this is just scumLift, not scumscumLift. ;)
I may disagree with him on a number of points, but I'm actually leaning this slot town. Can explain if anyone cares.