Posted July 17, 2018

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018
Sorry for the absence yesterday. I'll be catching up today, see you soon!
Lots of love,
Sorry for the absence yesterday. I'll be catching up today, see you soon!
Lots of love,

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018

With regards ZFR, I didn't remove my vote from him since I cast it because he was a viable wagon, and always a scum read - when I had my doubts, there were enough other people with ZFR-worries for it to be worth maintaining pressure. After a while I got the image in my head of him turning up mafia and me being able to say "everybody look at how clever I am, I was voting for him the entire day." Is it a particularly useful tactic for anybody? w/w they're mafia or town?

I'm fairly confident SirP is some form of blocking power, because it's a silly thing to falseclaim. ALTHOUGH THAT'S A REALLY GOOD POINT, in this game where we might assume a roleblocker is less likely, a risky scum might go follow that logic and claim, trusting that it's a strong town role that won't get counter-claimed....
can I see SirP taking a risk like that? Hm... maybe. Yes he might have decided much earlier in the day that's what he'd do if asked to claim... hmmm... a compelling thought.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018

I'd be up for lynching him but no one else seems to have any enthusiasm, I still think we should at least brig him. I mean I know Flub is Flub, but I think his play is notably anti-town at the moment. I kind of gave up on questioning his terrible logic since his only response was (interpolated) "Go on then, lynch me!".

I think it's mainly used over at MU.
I lol'd.

I'd already laid out my scum reads earlier in the day, the reason I was so insistent about Flub is because he was a much more recent ping on my radar and I wanted to make sure someone picked up on it.
Since I'm alive, I am able to follow it myself and it's the reason I blocked him and proposed to brig him.

I happen to have him down as slightly town, but I can't help but feel he's just flub that talks more. Most of his posts I remember are just jokes (and I'm fairly sure the fact I find his posts humorous is part of the reason I'm reading him town), he sat on ZFR all of day 1 and then magically decided ZFR is definitely town today.
I get the feeling he's talking a lot to avoid actually saying anything... and pocketing us all as he does so.
Just noticed, it looks like cristi is on L-2. I'm going to go back do a bit of re-reading.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018
To everyone: No love for the Frig Blubb movement?

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018
Hmm, just been going over people's various reasons for jumping on the cristi-wagon and this stood out. Basically no reason given other than 'might as well vote for someone' and it reads to me as "Whoops, don't want to be too late jumping on what looks to be the leading wagon or I'll look scummy!".

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 17, 2018

Another feelings I have at the moment: bler is town. Even though he is defending HSL, his reasoning and conviction appear genuine. So I think he is town that was fooled by HSL.

Concerning your next question: why your buddy HSL and not Joe? Easy: HSL was the one who clearly warned of the very close deadline and it would have been easy for him to vote instead of warning 'hey, less than 5 min left'. But that's another discussion that has been discussed back and forth for ages and HSL finally dropped it. Do you really want to keep it alive and discuss everything again? Why? To distract?

But you forgot OMGUS - Orcs Must Get Useful Swords!

But sense you mentioned it, if I were scum or whatever version of sleeper you describe, I certainly would have kept it to myself. I know it's WIFOM, but I'm not going to put it out there and alert everyone. I think it's strange for town!Lift to think that was what I was doing.
Yes, an unaware Sleeper would fit the flavour of the game but would be a non-standard role which also would make the game somewhat culty. What I suspected was rather that you are a standard role, that roughly fits the sleeper flavour: the Mafia Traitor. How that role is usually implemented is: one player shares the win-con of scum, but isn't told the identities of his co-scum and doesn't get access to the scum-chat. In 'Normal' games on MS, the regular scum know that there is a traitor amongst the townies, but don't know who he is. Traitor players usually have the problem how to alert their scumbuddies to their presence, so that they aren't NKed or driven to mislynch by their unknowing buddies. I think your mentioning of Sleepers was exactly that: a signal to your unknown buddies that You are the hidden Traitor. Am I correct?

Vote Lifthrasil
@trent: yes, maybe different uses of semantics again and definitely different playstyles. I don't like your position on this, but that doesn't make you scum.

OK. Off to some work. Then I'll do some reading of Joe and ele. So far I don't have any feeling about these two.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

"New" "User"
Registered: Jan 2010
From Other
Posted July 17, 2018
The "aren't you that person who posts votecounts?" votecount:
cristigale - 5 (trentonlf, flubbucket, adaliaBookwyrms, Lifthrasil, bler144)
HypersomniacLive - 3 (ZFR, elebutterfly, Damnation)
Lifthrasil - 1 (cristigale)
Damnation - 1 (ZFR)
trentonlf - 1 (elebutterfly)
flubbucket - 1 (SirPrimalform)
HypersomniacLive - 1 (Lifthrasil)
With 12 active players, it takes 7 votes to reach a consensus.
cristigale - 5 (trentonlf, flubbucket, adaliaBookwyrms, Lifthrasil, bler144)
HypersomniacLive - 3 (ZFR, elebutterfly, Damnation)
Lifthrasil - 1 (cristigale)
Damnation - 1 (ZFR)
trentonlf - 1 (elebutterfly)
flubbucket - 1 (SirPrimalform)
HypersomniacLive - 1 (Lifthrasil)
With 12 active players, it takes 7 votes to reach a consensus.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 17, 2018

Tell me this though, you got upset that ZFR was not the lynch yesterday because he claimed vanilla town yet you have not mentioned him at all today. Why?

Which, you know, didn't work out so well for you.
You wouldn't happen to recall a place where that claim of buss-iness could be verified?
P.S. I hope everything is ok at home!

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 17, 2018
I meant to ask, anyone else who’s using Chrome having issues with the forum? I had to switch browsers to be able to post.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted July 17, 2018

In case it is however, I have to say that it's certainly news to me; I don't think you've let on before that playing with me is such a chore for you. But you know what? It's a problem with a very simple and easy solution - we don't have to play together again. Like ever.
Either way, I advice you to drop it as I foremost consider it bad sportsmanship, and had never before related that to you; don't make me start now.
And one last thing, just for the record - I didn't skim any of your posts before #723, and the reason I did that one is that on first parse I didn't see anything new that warranted a more thorough read. I've read all your arguments and discussions with others; rest assured I've not missed your points, I'm just not convinced that those "fine, it may be as you say" are genuine.

Have I got that right? [...]

When I suggested to go back and read things in context, it wasn't because there was a shift in my position from "I won't let the day end in no-lynch" to "Hmm, hmm, no-Lynch looks the better option" (as a number of you seem to read into things), and I wanted you to see when that happened. I was still very much in favour of Lynch till the very last moment, what I wasn't in favour of is a CFD within the last 10-15min of EoD, as I doubted we'd be able to go the full cycle before running out of time, or if we somehow managed to, we'd have the time and clarity to evaluate things and reach a rational decision. Again, there's more to this, but I want to go through cristigale's posts first; if she hasn't addressed things I want her to, I'd rather not have handed her ways out.

Are you sure about that given the theme we have here? ;-P
Of course you did. Is it something specific about ZFR's claim, and if so, what exactly?
And speaking of ZFR, he's got a whole of 5 posts Today, and in all but one he's still at where he left off Yesterday...
Look at it as an opportunity to expedite the process of becoming a cyborg.

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018

(thanks to Joe for his reply to)

You know I almost hedged my bets and mentioned the possibility of some kind of necromancer role but didn't think it worth mentioning.. I should have known someone would call me on it :P

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 17, 2018

The bottom of the page is missing... It might be that GOG has changed something in a way that doesn't agree with Barefoot Essentials or Adalia Fundamentals so I'm going to try disabling them. Out of interest, do you use them?

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 17, 2018

Yes I'm using BE, how do I turn off the buggix?

The bottom of the page is missing... It might be that GOG has changed something in a way that doesn't agree with Barefoot Essentials or Adalia Fundamentals so I'm going to try disabling them. Out of interest, do you use them?