Djaron: do you guies realise i just asked a simple genuine question with nothing more than naive curiosity ?
or you jumped on a joyful occasion to grab your pitchforks and basket of lapidating calibrated rocks ?
1) when i use the worde/sentence "aside from blablabla" does "aside" means "including/such as blablabla" ?
i think i really need to update my dictionnaries cause here, "aside" carries a rather clear meaning... and that is not the one you imply
maybe like
aside from,
apart from; besides; excluding:
Aside from her salary, she receives money from investments.
except for:
They had no more food, aside from a few stale rolls.
Djaron: so where the hell do you live where "aside from money" means "such as/exactly as money" or "i want to sell back games for real money"
please tell me where in this plane of existence, "aside" = "such as"
2) when i ask if, around here in this communauty, games are sometimes traded for something completely different... does asking a simple question requires calling some "account ban" on me ? a simple "no, it is not done around here..." was way enough an answer...
could you list all the other "capital sins" in the eyes of gamintegrism so i can comply without misstep to any sort of unspoken law ?
Settle down, there pal. Nobody's accusing you of anything. They're just saying you'll get banned IF you try it. Don't, and you're perfectly fine, everybody's happy.