Posted January 13, 2021

If any of the threads from these last weeks deserved locking it would have been this one. This is pure trolling on the part of the OP, whether intentional or not. No real sense in this "discussion".

Jesus... Have you played Morrowind? Can you even make an objective comparison with Skryim? Bruh, im Morrowind you got a text message describing where to go and what to do... You had to think about how to do any given quest, and there were plenty that you could outright screw up. If you killed an essential character, the game give you a message warning you that the game cant be finished if you continue... Thats called agency... Skyrim gives you quest markers down to the foot of where to do, holds your hands through the objectives. That is called baby sitting...
The ability to make a bad choice and suffer consequences is essential to roleplay... But you call me a troll? Because I dont want things to degrade and degrade until there is no quality left?
If you dont have the self awareness to understand how you are being abusive, not me, if other people cant tell the difference, then you are all clearly incapable of governing your own interests, arent you?

Tell me you dont end up with a two hundred page list of five cent bullshits, that have nothing to do with your search... Go on, show me how easy it is...
You mock me, for things you yourself cant do... You cant just go on Amazon and ask for 'lowest price whatever' and actually get it... You get the same unending bullshit lists that I do... Stop acting like reality doesnt apply to you...