HunchBluntley: Most of the public will forget about it! It's fine."
For my money, I think it pretty clear that this is something GOG on the whole, adopted quite some time ago.
Ignorance is Bliss. Just ignore all the complaints, no matter how legit or reasonable they are.
That's not to say GOG ignore everything ... we know what happened with Hitman GOTY, and sometimes a blue will say something about something ... perhaps trying to head things off before the pass, and because complete silence is not a good look either.
I understand how for business reasons they cannot be transparent about many things, but that's never explained the rest where they don't need to be, and I fear GOG have learnt that to shut up, don't say a word, is their best policy. And with some folk, they can never win anyway.
And hearing about all these incomplete contests, one cannot help but feel they were about promotion and not much else.
I've never entered one, so not kept tabs, so can only go by what others claim, most of whom have been around here for a while, so I am not inclined to dismiss their claim ... and to be honest, I'm not surprised either ... one behavior often begets another.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GOG! Glad you are still here ... but the cracks are showing more now.