Posted June 17, 2019

It's also worth noting, that there haven't been any longitudinal studies conducted that are relevant to the question. This is in large part due to changes in the weed being smoked along with the difficulties in performing the research.
It's not hearsay, we know reliably that there is stronger weed available now than it was in the past. I was fine smoking the cheap stuff, it's when we switched to the stronger stuff that I had issues. Had we continued to smoke the stuff that we had in the '60s or even '70s, I wouldn't have had any problems, it was switching to the stronger stuff that caused the problem.
Also, you might want to read up on the research that's been done, pot is definitely not harmless, the harm isn't well understood due in large part to the difficulty engaging in research, but it isn't harmless.
The relevant question is what the correct policy should be.
I'm not really surprised by the responses, there's a bunch of people out there that don't know anything and would prefer to repeat falsities than deal with the fact that the evidence is relatively limited compared with things like alcohol and tobacco.

Not promoting anything, just saying that it's not black or white.

And his Oakland Raiders teammate, Lyle Alzado, who died from brain tumor caused by the same steroids John was taking.
But yes, steroids can be helpful. When I was going through chemo I was given them to basically keep me alive.
I can't tell if it made my privates shrink, because they were never that big to begin with. :P
Post edited June 17, 2019 by falloutttt