Posted February 29, 2020

"Increasing Maximum Camera Distance over 18 moves the fog closer towards the player. Use Plus6 or Plus12 versions of See Far to push the fog back by 6 or 12 meters to intended distance."
If you open the game, you will see 18 is default "Maximum camera distance" and it can go to 30. So, if you set it to 30, this means you changed it by 12, but it will also move the fog 12 meters towards the player which is a flaw. So, you then use "Plus12" versions of the See Far files (for example sf_SeeFar100_Plus12.dsres) which will fix this flaw. Use Plus6 if you changed it by 6.
Also so lemme get this straight: I use the plus 6 or 12 files if I go over 18 draw distance by those amount respectively....I am guessing I toss the correct one(to the draw distance i'm using) in the correct folder? Correct?
So any you recommend from that list, if I may ask? :)