Posted August 20, 2018

I run as admin: same thing.
I install nGlide 2.00: no change.
I copy C:\Windows\SysWOW64\glide*.dll to Homeworld dir, overwriting the old files.
I get a menu now, but no mouse and buttons are weird (one in the bottom left corner, too where there should not be one).
I copy c:\Windows\SysWOW64\opengl32.dll to Homeworld\3Dfx\WinNT\opengl32.dll
Now I have both menu and mouse, but I can't change grapics options to 1600x1200 (well, I can, but they don't stick).
I go in regedit to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sierra On-Line\Cataclysm and I change:
screenDepth to 32bit
screenHeight to 1200
screenWidth to 1600
Now it runs.
GOG usually gets these old games right; not sure why this one would not work right away...
Not sure which step was the actual fix, but after doing all these, the game runs.
I wish there was 1920x1200, too (there iis but then the aspect ratio is off).
Couldn't get it to run until I followed your instructions exactly as written. It now runs perfectly EXCEPT if I go into the options and change any of the settings, game crashes to destop.
But no worries, just happy to be able to play one of my most favorite games of all time again!