Tauto: Nope, Win 7 and new pc will be,yep you guessed it 10. I've been researching for a couple of days and have found some tweaks but also a lot of complaining about 10.
Many games will work the same. Some will require more tweaking / have more issues. Here are the results of my testing W10 (compared to W7):-
- W8 introduced a weird 30fps cap for No One Lives Forever. Early W10 builds removed that cap but then had constant stutter when moving the mouse (almost like VSync was broken "back-end" and the game had input issues running at +600fps. Later W10 builds improved this so the game now mostly plays normally, but it still stutters when using zooming / using a weapon scope. This can be fixed with dgVoodoo but that in turn can break keyboard / mouse input after an ALT-TAB. W7 still plays perfectly with zero compromises and only a fraction of the tweaking required.
- Maniac Mansion Deluxe threw up color corruption and oddly squashed the game into the top left 1/4 of the screen (as it did for several other 2000-2005 era flash games). W7 has no issues.
- Some games have many more issues running Exclusive Fullscreen vs W7. You may need to force Borderless Windowed.
- Sam & Max Season 1-3 require XP SP3 compatibility to be ticked to not crash. This wasn't needed for W7.
- Age of Mythology crashes if changing any settings inside the game (due to resolution change). You have to mess about with creating user.cfg in the startup folder. W7 works perfectly.
- Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines crashes with a DX5 error, but can be fixed by renaming from comandos.exe to co
mmandos.exe (2x m's) to bypass enforced compatibility issues.
- DirectPlay has been deprecated, ie, you need to install it manually via Control Panel -> Programs & Features -> Turn Windows Features On / Off -> Legacy Components. This is needed for several games like Age of Empires, Commandos:BEL, Diablo 2, etc.
^ I gave W10 a fair shot and tested over +250 older games on it, I installed Classic Start Menu to make it look like W7, and I didn't mind some of the extra work involved in tweaking some to run. But my feelings towards it in general was that it's the least pleasant Windows I've ever used, it didn't (and probably never will) actually feel like 'my own PC' anymore the same way MS-DOS 2.0 through to W7 did due to MS's new Software As A Service direction, (ie,
"the user is the product"). About the only "nice words" I can say is that so far, Microsoft hasn't removed support for DX5-9 API games - something forced updates and "rolling releases" gives them the capability to do 5-10 years down the line that would leave many retro-gamers royally screwed.
Best of luck if you can get W10 to work for you, but expect quite a bit more tweaking for many older games than on W7, some games sold here on GOG are "supported for W7-8 but not W10" for a reason, and in case it doesn't work out, both Coffee Lake & Ryzen CPU's & chipsets do actually work on W7 (despite MS's fear-mongering to the contrary). Not for every chipset / motherboard, but I made a
detailed post here in the past that explains everything on the subject should you need to "downgrade".