arrua: (...) Lego Batman and I find it to be really annoying. I´m using a controller and I´m controlling both Batman and Robin at the same time. Both characters move in the same direction or jump at the same time when I push those buttons. Both characters do the same thing.
What is it that I´m doing wrong? Can´t the secondary character just follow the main character?
Hello arrua!
I do not have any experience with the more 'recent' TellTale Lego games, neither with the Lego Batman series.
But I did play the Lego Indiana Jones and the Lego Star Wars games quite a bit!
In Lego Indiana Jones (Original Adventures, the first about Indy) there was a kind of following of the second Character, while a message "Press F2 or any button to start." was being displayed in the right corner underneath the second character portrait.
But every now and then he would do things in parallel or together in a timed way with just a tiny delay. Only during the brawling with incoming enemies the second character would do its own thing.
Whenever the second player mode (with additional inputs from a second input device) got activated the second character would remain stationary and not responding at all, if no player input is given.
Have you tried what happens, if you disconnect your controller and play with keyboard only?
Does the behavior of the computer controlled second character change if only one input device is connected?
Or have you tried to play just a bit to see a diffrent section of the game?
(As mentioned above, in my experience with Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Star Wars there are some sections of levels that actually do behave like you described.)
I watched some pc gameplay videos from the first Lego Batman game in youtube to confirm my memory/experience.
What are your graphics settings? Did you changed something about the refresh rate (fps limited/unlimited)?
(Maybe those could have an impact on the game logic.)
I do some more research and see if I find something else.
Kind regards,
[Edit 1]:
A Look at pcgamingwiki entry for Lego Batman (1) shows, that the refresh rate does have an impact on game logic aspects such as issues with unresponsive player controlled vehicles or some issues with individual puzzle solutions.
But no mentioning of effects on the second character.
[Edit 2]:
A mk47at mentioned, the second character is invincible as long as it is controlled by the computer (ai / game itself).
It can only loose health and therefore the collected points/pieces on death, when the second user player is active (the figure standing absolutely still in your current case).
Please confirm the controller setup, in my Lego Indiana Jones game the standard configuration for the inputs is Player 1 via numbered Controller buttons (even if no controller is connected) and additionally alternative keyboard keys!
Maybe your second Player button configuration includes the very same controller button inputs and thus reacts simultaneously?
Kind regards again.