dtgreene: What if a game took the other approach to removing the distinction and took away the basic attacks. so the *only* things you can do in battle, with the exception of defending or running away, cost MP? What would you do then?
(Also, perhaps we could make the encounters work like in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, so you can't just run from everything, as you actually have to kill enemies to progress through the dungeon.)
Catshade: I don't mind that If the MP is refilled at the end of every battle. If it becomes an actual non-replenishable resource I have to manage, I hope the grinding is a pleasant experience because I'll have to hoard ethers to the maximum limit.
Make ethers too scarce/expensive or not easily grindable and... let's just say I hate playing classic Resident Evil because ammo (basically the MP cost of guns) is hard to come by.
Perhaps we tweak it further:
* Spells need MP, which recovers very quickly, so you can use low and sometimes even mid level spells and you'll still out-recover MP.
* Physical attacks, even the most basic ones, require a resource that is not easily restored; you have to manage your physical attacks carefully during a dungeon or you'll run out before the boss.
How would that sort of game feel?
(Interestingly enough, SaGa Frontier 2 is sort of like this; the difference is that there's some WP regen (WP is the resource physical attacks use), though it's much easier to get high SP regen, and SP will recover to a certain amount if it gets too low after battle.)
real.geizterfahr: But then comes the point where normal attacks deal 9999 damage.
If this is the damage cap, this should never happen, at least not in the general case. In FF7, even the 6k I was doing with an ultimate weapon felt like it was too much for a normal attack, especially since the same character could use powerful spells.
By contrast, in FF2 SNES (actually a simplified version of FF4, not the Famicom game), Cecil's normal attack would only do around 4k damage by end-game, while Rydia and Rosa could hit the damage cap with their spells. (Cecil *can* hit 9999 damage with a normal attack, but only against undead.)
real.geizterfahr: Mid game, mages can become great. With support spells, magic that attacks all enemies and some more powerful spells, they become important characters to get rid of dangerous enemies. But then comes the point where normal attacks deal 9999 damage. Maybe you even have an ability to hit two or four times in one round. Or counter attack. Suddenly your mage becomes crap again, because only the late game spells deal 9999 damage - and they cost a lot MP and have too long animations. There's plenty of Ethers (restores 100 MP), but with 999 MP and spells that cost almost a 100 MP, you need a crapload of them to keep your mage going.
Some Final Fantasy games have really stupid MP management. FFX manages to keep your mages useful, because of the "1 MP cost" ability (every spell costs 1 MP). But this basically makes MP a joke, because you can spam your most powerful spells 999 times before having to worry about your MP.
In FF6:
* Gem Box (Soul of Thamasa in GBA IIRC) allows casting 2 spells per turn, while Quick allows you to take 2 extra turns.
* Use Ultima as the attack spell, and you can do 9999 damage 5 times in one turn.
* Cost: 499 MP, but you can use a Gold Hairpin to reduce the cost to 250 MP. (Also Economizer to reduce it to 6, but that's a rare drop/steal.)
* Osmose is in this game, and it's *really* powerful, to the point where I could see it draining over 250 MP, allowing this strategy to be sustained.
(FF5 has a similar set-up, but it's not as game-breaking, and you don't have the Economizer. On the other hand, that Bahamut summon is perfect for the final battle that has 4 real targets that can take damage separately.)