Posted September 24, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

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Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2012
yeah, i do.
i try to minimize the amount of programms i run that get internet access to those i really want to do something that inherently needs a connection.
application: buhuhu, there's a new version of me. please, i want to be up to date.
i: go fuck yourself. you aren't even supposed to know that you're not the latest version.
well, i do make exceptions for security critical applications that need updates all the time(anti virus).
no singleplayer game will get internet access if i can prohibit it and i won't install some organize, chat, social foobar client bullshit either for such.
recently i had a rather hard time deciding if i could put up with GFWL for dark souls. the main reasons to do it were that microsoft anyways could "own my soul" as i'm running windows and that dark souls actually is kind of a multiplayer game and i was interested in that aspect of it.
i try to minimize the amount of programms i run that get internet access to those i really want to do something that inherently needs a connection.
application: buhuhu, there's a new version of me. please, i want to be up to date.
i: go fuck yourself. you aren't even supposed to know that you're not the latest version.
well, i do make exceptions for security critical applications that need updates all the time(anti virus).
no singleplayer game will get internet access if i can prohibit it and i won't install some organize, chat, social foobar client bullshit either for such.
recently i had a rather hard time deciding if i could put up with GFWL for dark souls. the main reasons to do it were that microsoft anyways could "own my soul" as i'm running windows and that dark souls actually is kind of a multiplayer game and i was interested in that aspect of it.

Twin Peaks
Registered: Nov 2011
From Turkey
Posted September 24, 2012
I like that too. So if i pirate a game(not pirating anymore but if...) because it requires a service i don't use i will buy their drm-free games 2 times or 3 times or more to reward them.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2012

Our politicians however .... Well. At least we have the Pirate Party!

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted September 24, 2012
Nah, I like it and I think that Steam provides a very convenient service.
I'd like to see a client revamp though - it could be a lot better.
I'd like to see a client revamp though - it could be a lot better.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2012

Some people may not be comfortable with it or wouldn't benefit from it, I however regard this as one of Steam's most beneficial features.

Registered: Jan 2010
From Norway
Posted September 24, 2012

More seriously: AFAIK, using Steam necessitates you (as a user of said service) to agree on the at all times current license agreement - adjusted by local laws/regulations. If you disagree, Steam is under no obligations to allow you continued use of their service. Thus, while you may see no reason to leave Steam as it is today, you are at the mercy of Steam, within the boundaries of legislation.
That's nothing to worry about if you expect to Steam to be reasonable and fair to their customers (as long as it doesn't hurt their business), but there's nothing you can do if they don't fulfill your expectations. The recent change in license agreement, while unable to hold up in court (or so I've been told), do say something about how Steam would like to treat their customers, though.
Looking back on the multiple fits you've thrown over the "CDPR witch hunt", I'd expect you to feel less than happy about Valve's way of doing business - well, not really, I expect you to continue your crusade against CDPR, while defending Steam/Valve to your last breath.. that's ok - it goes well with your fascination with blow and hookers.. =P
Huh.. and here I thought it was the developers that created the games and the publishers, well, just published them.. about time I was set straight in that matter, me being a developer and all - thank you.
Post edited September 24, 2012 by pH7

Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted September 24, 2012
Ah, we haven't had a "let's moan about Steam because it's PURE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL" thread in a while. Honestly, I'm at the stage where I don't care, in the unlikely event that Steam shuts down (and with the massive cash printer they call Dota 2 on the horizon, I don't see this happening within the next decade) I'll just pirate all my games.
Also, I'd like to hear MichaelPalin's opinion on Gamersgate, they don't sell DRM free games by his definition of the word.
Also, I'd like to hear MichaelPalin's opinion on Gamersgate, they don't sell DRM free games by his definition of the word.

Registered: Jan 2010
From Norway
Posted September 24, 2012
I might of course be wrong, but the only ones here talking about Steam being evil are those "defending" Steam by trying to put words in the mouths of those more critical to Steam. It's called straw man argumentation if I remember correctly..

Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted September 24, 2012

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted September 24, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2012

Anyway, I'm done here. I will go play some X-Com.

That's nothing to worry about if you expect to Steam to be reasonable and fair to their customers (as long as it doesn't hurt their business), but there's nothing you can do if they don't fulfill your expectations. The recent change in license agreement, while unable to hold up in court (or so I've been told), do say something about how Steam would like to treat their customers, though.
Post edited September 24, 2012 by SimonG

New User
Registered: Sep 2009
From Ireland
Posted September 24, 2012
meh, STEAM has grown on me. What I avoid are those games that come with thirdparty DRM. CAn you belive it? They are putting DRM on the DRM nowadays! So I always check and if a STEAM game needs, like, UPLAY or something I go "nonononononononothanksbutnononononononono..."

Registered: Jan 2010
From Norway
Posted September 24, 2012

(aside from the definition of evil and any potential ties with the judean religions etc - which could be interesting in it self, but wouldn't really make much of a difference in peoples' opinion of Steam)
What do you base your assumption (PC gaming collapsing along with Steam) on? Or, to be more specific, what do you think will disappear if Steam falls?
The way I see it, Steam is little more than a service aimed at simplifying certain aspects related to gaming, which while beinmg helpful to some is neither a necessary part in game cevelopment nor game distribution. There are several other DDs out there that will happily try to gain some of the lost market shares after Steam, but games will be sold in the meantime - just like before Steam.
I don't really see how anything less than both Nvidia and ATI suddenly refusing to support anything more demanding than standard office applications graphicswise, to make PC gaming collapse - and even then it'd only be a matter of time before someone else swooped in to pick up the pieces. And making electronic/digital gaming collapse? Won't happen.
The world's too big and the potential revenues too tempting for these things to disappear/collapse. The far more realistic danger is that a large enough part of the gaming industry settles for something that holds back the future development of gaming, so that the few alternatives don't gain enough traction to be inovative successfully in a financial sense. It wouldn't make anything collapse, but it'd take much of the fun out it (not that we'd stop gaming, though, they know how to make a crappy game like FarmVille addictive).
So, my "view" on Steam is simply that I don't want to settle for it, as long as there are alternatives. Which there are.