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Man. Besides being the source of several games I recently gave away like Dark Souls 3 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided... It has saved me over $80 this month alone in game purchases I was going to buy... Well, Mafia 3 and Outlast 2 I probably only would have bought at a discount. But retail, it saved me over $80. And that's just this month. $12 a month is a worthy price for some of the goodies I've gotten over the last 4 months. So glad I subscribed. If you are thinking about it, it's worth it. You get a 10% discount of their storefront as well, in addition to any discounts they already provide. All and all, a great deal. IF you don't like Steam, then it's not for you. If you don't mind Steam though, it seems foolish not to do it.

No, I'm not a paid shill or employee of Humble, just a very satisfied customer who thought I'd share my experience.
I haven’t bought a Monthly yet and I have no regrets. Every single one of them had at best one game I would have been interested in if that, and by the time I got around to playing them I'd be able to buy them for the same or less and without all the useless clutter on top.

And by precision strike buying instead of carpet bombing more often than not I make sure that the "right" developers get more of the money.
Post edited April 12, 2018 by Randalator
I'm a yearly subscriber of Monthly Bundle. So far, it made me stop buying games almost entierely, since each time, more than 80% of the games given look interesting and actually ARE good.

The only gripe I have is that, for the last 3 bundles, they included as top games some games that are region-locked and thus I couldn't get them. And when it's major games like Dark Souls III, it sucks...
The extent to which people have embraced buying bags of random stuff blind these days baffles me. But then again so many things do.
Breja: The extent to which people have embraced buying bags of random stuff blind these days baffles me. But then again so many things do.
You know, it's odd becsuse I am firmly against loot boxes/crates in games. But I have a random loot crate come to the house every month, and I subscribe to Humble because I literally can't lose. I'm interested in all the possible choices, and some hidden gems I'd never have seen otherwise make their way into my playlist. Much better than in games where most of what you get is vendor trash.
The only one I even considered was Pillars of Eternity, but that was probably the only game in that one I would have played in this lifetime.

$12 for the base game is cheaper than its sale price...for now. But with no DLC included I decided to just wait for either a deeper discount still or at least $15-20 for both if I feel splurgy.
I have an annual subscription, but I pause every month that I'm not interested in the early unlock(s). Like this month, for example.
I bought the Civ 6 one, but I wasn't really impressed with the rest of the games I got.
Nabbed a few things from the Trove though so altogether not disappointed.

I'd sign up again if there was something of interest in the early unlocks.
I don't like it because they usually include the base games only (and maybe 1-2 DLCs). I want my games to be complete, besides I don't have time to play them anyway. So I can buy them later at a deep discount with all DLCs included.
I regret not buying the Dragons Dogma and Rise of the Tomb Raider monthly. It will take about 2 years from the time the game releases on monthly before becoming $5.99 on Steam. The new standard on Steam is $5.99 now instead of $5. They raised it by 99cents this past year. The older games will still go onsale for $5, but the newer AAA games only go onsale for $5.99 now.
I am happy with it so far