JMayer70: Now they need to do the same on the review pages!
Yes, I wholeheartly agree. "Removing" (or hiding, whatever) minus for reputation was a good step, but reviews also need this step.
At this moment reviews have so many issues with "negative reputation" for reviews
a)Questions asked for every review is about helpfullness of review, yet in practice it's turning into answers for "do you like this review" (or being more specifically - do you agree with this review"). And in MANY cases those "minusing" users don't even bother to read the review - just seeing low score is enough to click on "minus".
b)"vindictive" users, who are hoarding to minus some user, who they don't like
c)There are also some utterly prepasterous reasons why part of users are minusing the review, and one of them is the fact, that the review is... is other language than their own (not kidding, those people don't bother if they turned on the filter basing on language or not).
Ok, to make things fair, some of those phenomenons are not that often (e.g. minusing for language), but some of them became a plague (minus for review with low score for the game).