Posted February 20, 2015

repetitive valley injury!
in which - basically - the game forces you to do the same action a whole lot of times in different places to rally the triceratops.

it's a very beautiful game and cryo certainly went out of their way to showcase how you could use 3d in those early days. it's also got a theme you don't see a lot of in computer games, too, which - i think - adds to it's appeal [being about adam and eve and harmony between dinosaurs and the like]
if you can track it down, the soundtrack is /amazing/ - unfortunately, it's also a big copyright bugbear. part of the reason i wanted to play this was to allow people to hear the songs, but after the first video, it got content id'd and i don't like there to be ads on my videos if i can help it at all, so i've taken to muting the music.
if you're enjoying this, cryo did another game like it based on frank herbert's "dune." it's got it's own visual style [not 3d, alas, unless you get the cd-rom version]
i'm having a blast re-playing it for you folks.