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hiding under boxes worked /great!/ for solid snake.

so my pandaren tries it, too, in episode 13 of world of warcraft:
here's a public service announcement!

why? because i'll be gone for a bit:

also and before i lose you when you click through to watch the video, thanks SO MUCH for watching the games i upload. you guys are awesome.
i was hoping to get some other stuff [rex nebular and the like] recorded before i left, but the coughing that i'm doing would be basically unpleasant to listen to. so...:

sorry dudes, no rex nebular [or hearthstone, inca and pq3] this week.
to ease us back into things, here's some mellow guitar music while i open up classic hearthstone packs and tell a story about the con i went to last weekend:
my pandaren gets his first talent point and we talk a little bit about that system in world of warcraft:
this week's episode of rex nebular has a whole lot dialogue.

it's almost as if the game thought it was a text adventure!
i show you how you can modify the user interface for world of warcraft.

it's a pretty big topic and i only really scratch the surface, here:
it's a weekend, that means it's time for a world of warcraft interlude:

the forsaken are after gilneas. urgh. i don't like the forsaken.

anyway, we get cat form!
my thoughts on the last five hearthstone tavern brawls:

spoiler: they're underwhelming:
we start playing police quest 3.

there's lots of police questy things to do.

like fill in forms.
and put batteries into torches.
world of warcraft leveling continues at an alarmingly slow rate.

in this episode:

i show off my new interface!
we kill a LOT of murlocs!
week three's world of warcraft roundup!
we turn our attention from murlocs to gnolls in world of warcraft and...

...slaughter a lot of them :P
true nightfall in world of warcraft:

plus, we get ever closer to this "shadowy figure" - who could they be? what are they up to?
world of warcraft poll:

we're going to go places, soon!

help decide which places!



darkshore: 10-20. very gloomy.
loch modan: 10-20. dwarfy, but destroyed, now.
redrige mountain: 15-20: "about right" for us. "the old broken bridge"