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it's turning out to be a dungeoneering sort of week in wow. today's dungeon is razorfen kraul. thank goodness no one falls down and gets lost [an easy-ish thing to do in the old days.]
i remember now why i play space quest 4!

for the arcade sequences! that's right.


anyway, this is the worst episode with all the major arcade sequences all lined up. not my favourite part of the game at all.
we tackle maraudon's orange side in this episode of world of warcraft.

it goes more-or-less ok: there's a near-wipe and a guy who swipes ALL THE LOOT, but we make it through unscathed :)
we finish off the wetlands in world of warcraft.

i also struggle with finding the last point of interest on the map.

silly map. no biscuit.
i play hearthstone's current tavern brawl [lead from the front] by being sleazy and completely just netdecking all the way, but i'm not a huge fan of this brawl [i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that i don't think many heroes can actually go toe to toe with each other like this brawl expects. which just makes it feel uneven. but also, just...

...i'm not a fan of "to-the-face" tactics. there has to be some strategy involved.]
joystiq has been gone for more than a year. i still miss it. here are some thoughts about a website that i enjoyed reading:
our hero, roger wilco is a bit of a ruffian in this episode of space quest 4.

he upsets some bikers and steals some matches:
we make landfall in spore!

there's so much to explore, now...
spore life lessons:

the more you try to make friends, the more you get turned away. :(
there are units in spore called "rogues." i went looking for my own rogue but didn't find it. instead, i found another rogue hanging out with some creatures that i was trying to befriend. [it was trying to kill them.] - i fight it and...well, it's not my brightest idea ;)

rogues are [as best as i remember] singular units of a species that have gotten to be particularly powerful.

plus, we have our first meteor storm.
i mulled doing an off-screen aaru transition in spore, but then figured it might make for a relaxing sort of five minute video. so here's the evolution of the aaru:
a yawntastic hearthstone brawl where they turn the game into yu-gi-oh.

i didn't find it much fun, alas.
the games industry has a /terrible/ problem with sequelitis.

i talk a little about the worst offenders and offer some thoughts on how to curb franchise fatigue:
we finish off space quest 4.

with waaay more action sequences than an adventure game needs:
i take a real gentle run up to eastern plaguelands starting off in the wetlands. i die a couple of times and tell a story along the way, but it's very relaxed and we enjoy the sights and sounds of the zones we're in as we go.