Fairfox: I hated
Spore. It was terrible. It was putrid and wrong. It was like a demon had stabbed a few rusty sporks into its slim, rather attractive (actually) hand and the steaming life-juice that sprayed forth collected into a vile junky-bucket, hardened over time and transformed into a technological mass of gaming gore-gloopies. My life has been shortened significantly because of this game. This spork-infused devil game.
this is why i'm not doing an extensive playthrough of space. besides. my one experience of space was that it had...issues. my home planet kept getting attacked over and over and over again pre-patch a billion years ago. so my game effectively "stopped" there.
i'm going to do three or so episodes in space just to show it off, but it's the kind of thing that - i think - will get pretty samey very quickly - i've actually mentioned this before. part of the problem with spore is that it is /somewhat/ wide, but not very deep. by which i mean that there's a lot of different play dynamics and a lot of different "stuff to do" [after a fashion. most of the stuff is the same over and over again] but that all of it is basically shallow. in the "civilization phase" i basically build a dump truck of guys and flatten my opponents, because there's zero subtlety to the game.
my take on spore has always been: maxis should have released the builders. they're kind of fun to tinker around with, but they really should have spent a lot more time fleshing out the creature stage. that should really have been it's very own game.
it's not a great game. it's not the worst game, either.
belatedly: i very much appreciate you taking the time to check out my videos. thank you so much.