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BreOl72: Now, if you think, downvoting his "good" posts, just because he also made (lots of) "bad" posts is fair... well, I have to say, I disagree.
I didn't downrep those very few posts in which he didn't attack\provoke people or didn't show other evil intents.
However, I'm just saying that if someone punches you daily, except for a few rare times.. well, you're still right to punch them back even in those occasions.
Post edited March 24, 2016 by phaolo
Ban everyone. Shut down the forums. We all should go home and go to bed.
Post edited March 24, 2016 by Bouchart
Bouchart: Ban everyone. Shut down the forums. We all should go home and go to bed.
Problem solved???
low rated
Bouchart: Ban everyone. Shut down the forums. We all should go home and go to bed.
"I'm already home Glen."
Bouchart: Ban everyone. Shut down the forums. We all should go home and go to bed.
That's just a clever ruse so you can have all the insomnia deals for yourself.
Bouchart: Ban everyone. Shut down the forums. We all should go home and go to bed.
tinyE: "I'm already home Glen."
Are you in bed though?
Tauto: tinye is an angel.
When did you kill him?!? In your mind, that is?

Damn, this is like the movie Identity...
low rated
tinyE: "I'm already home Glen."
omega64: Are you in bed though?
No. Four feet from it.
omega64: Are you in bed though?
tinyE: No. Four feet from it.
Siegor: Now that you mention it... Has anyone ever seen tinyE and Tauto in the same place at the same time? Does one of them wear glasses?
I've seen them once posting a message exactly at the same time... but that doesn't really prove anything, TinyE was probably just writing from two machines at the same time.
low rated
Siegor: Now that you mention it... Has anyone ever seen tinyE and Tauto in the same place at the same time? Does one of them wear glasses?
timppu: I've seen them once posting a message exactly at the same time... but that doesn't really prove anything, TinyE was probably just writing from two machines at the same time.
I hate to break it to you timppu, but there are only two people in this forum, you and all my alts.
Navagon: I don't know what's supposed to be going on with those dolls. Asexual reproduction? Kids born pregnant? Is each successive generation getting smaller than the last? Or am I looking at them the wrong way? Is it actually the case that cannibalism has turned them into giants?
Maighstir: I'm not certain, but Stacking might have an some sort of answer.
Stealing skills and identities from other dolls parasitically? Clearly most Russian dolls have zero ambition given that they occupy larger clones of themselves.
NuffCatnip: As far as I know they symbolize fertility.
Asexual fertility. Russians are into some weird shit.
Post edited March 25, 2016 by Navagon
just ignore tauto, its the best you can do
low rated
apehater: just ignore tauto, its the best you can do
That's like saying, "Just ignore herpes."
apehater: just ignore tauto, its the best you can do
tinyE: That's like saying, "Just ignore herpes."
you know, one can't get rid of herpes anyway :)
Post edited March 25, 2016 by apehater