Elpain2020: It is not installed in program files, i have created a special folder for that. i have directx 11 installed if that helps anything.
I tried it on Windows 10 Pro 64bit, and it works for me. I don't use Galaxy so I installed the game with the offline backup installer, downloaded from the gog.com web page.
Some notable things I noticed:
1. I am not sure why, but by default the game is installed in an unusual directory. The offline installer wants to install it under C:\Imperialism\, while normally GOG games install into C:\GOG Games\Imperialism\. So I am wondering if there is some specific issue and the game has to be installed into a very short path? If not already, try reinstalling the game into C:\Imperialism\
2. The first time you run the game, it asks whether to change the desktop resolution to 640x480 for the game (if you don't, you get the game in a small box in the center of the screen). This can be later changed in the game options. Have you tried if these affect it in any way?