GHOSTMD: @MarkoH01
No the Desktop icons linking to Galaxy instead of the game exe are not a bug.
It is intented, by GoG i already asked the staff about that one.
So even if you use the OFFLINE installer it will create a Galaxy shortcut to the desktop? That would be stupid. I had the same issue with SOME Classic instrallers and GOG fixed it. I guess I will have to check this out myself. Normally the desktop should link to Galaxy when you installed it using an installer that is meant to use Galaxy and link to the game itself in case you used the offline backup installer only because those people OBVIOUSLY prefer to not use Galaxy. I will try this at once.
Edit: Tried the offline installer of Duke Nukem3D - shortcut linked to the game executable as I persumed.
Edit2: Hmmmm same happened when using web installer. Maybe it depends on the game - will try a newer one.
Edit3: "Finding Paradise" worked as expected. Galaxy shortcut when using web installer - direct shortcut when using offline installer. So if you used the offline installer and still got a Galaxy shortcut in your case it is a bug - no matter what support said to you. Which game(s) are you talking about? Maybe I own this myself and can test it with this game to see if it works for me.
GHOSTMD: The reason why i am so causious about the whole thing is, that i fear publishers already
have ideas to make games "forced" obsolete via licensing procedures and even take
the right to "delete" the game from your library when the license runs out.
Steamclient as tool you MUST use to start the games (legally) is the perfect software
to make such a thing happen. I really fear that day.
Deleting a game from your library would simply be theft and I never heard about such things - even on Steam (i.e. music license has run out for some Mafia II songs but I still have the version that has them included in my Steam library even though they are not included if you buy the game now). I also still have some games in my Steam library which are not sold anymore (meaning license rabn out).