Do they really need the money/attention so badly they are suing over this? Will they sue history museums with torture exhibits next? :\
kalirion: To be fair, Ion Maiden is very clearly a pun on a well known copyrighted name. Is that allowed? I mean do you think Disney would look kindly on a new "Stark Wars" or "Mackey Mouse" commercial franchise?
Though I guess it's also a fact that "Iron Maiden" is an actual thing that the band named themselves after. So nevermind.
People make parody characters/names/etc in other media all the time as a form of homage/mockery.....this imo should be no different.
DadJoke007: Record company or the band? Seeing as this is pretty out of character for the band, I must say I'm surprised.
kotcore: unfortunately not
In 2009, British heavy metal band Iron Maiden sued Rubin and Aspen Comics, citing Iron and the Maiden as an infringement of their trademark.
Recent solicitations for the collected edition show that the series has been renamed: The Iron Saint.
Stuff like that is why I have a love/hate relationship with copyright/etc laws.
ChrisGamer300: Time to buy a ticket and fly to US and kick their arses ! people in the entertainment industry is a bit too sue happy. Couldn't they have settled this in a better way.
Sadly many in the US are sue happy and go for the quick buck.
We also have what's known as patent trolls who sit on POTENTIAL future ideas that people might make in case someone makes those things and wants to patent them...then said people need to buy the rights to the patent for their idea from the patent trolls.
The same goes for websites/domains in some cases, with some asking for thousands or more for some names.
I'm still calling it Ion Maiden and the ones suing can suk it. o.0