Zrevnur: It has issues - some I noticed when playing and still remember:
1) Enemies level up in sync with my own units. So its questionable if leveling up is even beneficial.
Time4Tea: Ugh, I absolutely hate that in RPGs. I had it on my wishlist, but might remove now, knowing that.
I'm not a fan of level scaling myself , but I don't think Expeditions Conquistador was that bad. Officer-ranked units are strong, but they won't last that much longer than a recruit if they allow themselves to be exposed by multiple attackers.
It should be noted that there are only 5 ranks your expedition crew can achieve. The highest two ranks are officers, and there is a limit to how many you can have. There is less emphasis on character growth in Conquistador compared to Viking, the latter which is closer to a "traditional" RPG.