The first game has its charms, if British charm is your thing, but it is nothing truly groundbreaking. Game is advertised with "for every choice, a consequence", you can be good or evil, but all that is complete BS, nothing you do really matters, you just get different cutscene or armor/weapon with different texture, then the game moves on in same direction, it is very shallow. I can't give example without spoiling it.
To add on Dray2K length comment, it took me 29 hours to complete on first "good" run where I did all the side-quests and stuff, 23 hours on "evil" where I might have skipped some of it that is the same as on the first run, like the minigames and stuff. But I am a type of player who plays games slowly, I take my time and explore every corner. It did feel like a short game overall, the world is not big.
I didn't like the Anniversary Edition, people look like melting wax figures, the game uses blurry AA and some areas have slightly different atmosphere than original. I think the original more cartoony look fits the game better. The new version is slightly more difficult if you play on highest difficulty, but after a few hours when your character advances it will again feel the same as original which is a relatively easy game. The interface is also different in new version. If you have a 1440p or 4K monitor the interface might be too small in the original game.
I don't regret playing it or replaying it (first played it in 2006, then forgot everything about it and replayed it in 2016). All in all, I would give it something like 7.5/10, which means "a good and fun game, but could have been better in many ways". I have not played the sequels.
Post edited July 06, 2019 by antrad88