Posted December 17, 2016

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echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted December 17, 2016
low rated
Today: 16 Dec 2016 - 34 days to office
First hour - China stole US underwater drone and US is demanding it back. Soros financed group to help '<i>flag</i>' stories. Facebook and infowar<i>s</i>. Globalists use incremental-ism. Chinese style web censorship. Google/Facebook blocking. Snopes. Attack on first amendment. US Unpredictable conflict. Megyn Kelly caught fabricating lies with out-of-context audio. The attack on the first amendment. Communist Chinese style censorship IS coming to the US. video covering it (). [url=]Russia's opinion on fake news and media manipulation. Qatar prince racing in <span class="bold">LA</span>.
Second hour - Murdock. Create documentary on child trafficking? Lynch refusing to upset election or start lawsuits against Jones. Obama press conference regarding Russia and escalating to war (<i>potentially? New Military doctrine to take cyber attacks like physical attacks</i>). They are tying the death threats to electors to Jones, through Pelosi, and claims of Clinton killing children to pizzagate. The Chinese hold the deed to the Clinton's. Balance of power. China steeling underwater Drone. All seven artificial islands have weapons installed on them. NewsWars site soon to come up. [url=]Facebook to bury '<i>fake news</i>'. Roger Stone: 'classic disinformation campaign'. 'These are all just lies to justify this narrative'. Near hysterical kenard from Podesta. New McCarthyism. 650,000 emails will see the light of day. Elector death threats &, 'This is the Soros Gameplay: 1) Harp endlessly over popular vote. 2) Launch the phoney recounts. 3) The Russians did it, these patrios are traitors to the country'. 'This is the same Megyn Kelly who was paid $6M for her show and $6M book, with a chapter slipped into the book much later on Roger Ailes'. 'Ailes was setup and mugged, he was an obstacle to Hillary's election'. 'They want to turn Fox into CNN and the sky channel'. Trump & Russia press conference in July. 'Soviet style Revisionism'. DNC 'hack' doesn't exist, it was a leak. Assange says MSM has no more credibility. Press secretary Kimberly Guilfoyle?
Third Hour - Stone: 'She's the ideal face for the administration', 'I feel pretty good about the electoral college. Near hysteria about the people's will being asserted. I've never seen it quite like this'. Fourth act? 'They need to prevent Trump from being sworn in. Maybe we can have an honest FBI and CIA with accurate information so he can make good decisions. Time for house cleaning in both agencies'. 'It proves Obama is in on the hijacking'. Insufficient evidence; , FBI & [url=]Clapper agree. Steve Pieczenik: Coup & Counter Coup. 'I can guarantee Russia WAS NOT involved'. 'Hillary failed miserably'. Bringing in military men to stop the wars. Trump Cabinet picks. Goldman Sachs. 'For the first time we are bringing in businessmen, military men, people who are accountable!'. 'Bringing in people with standards and accomplishments'. Core group of elitists. 'The most important thing you've done is make Washington irrelevant'. Million bureaucrats; one for every soldiers. Cyber war era. 'I don't think Soros can do much anymore, he played his hand with, Jill Stein and Hillary. The entire government has shifted from it's old habits, and reconfiguring to smaller/more effective issues: Jobs'. 'This revolution is what we want and need'. 'Trump is putting amazing businessmen in'. Tillerson. 'Obama is finished'. 180 news, FBI suddenly agrees with CIA?? CNN has called Trump's win a '<i>national emergency</i>' trying and push for a new election. 'Whatever they do is not going to impact with what is going on right now'. 'They can't change anything, and ineffectual'. 'Elimination of thousands of those who've been in the CIA/Military establishment who aren't professionals or fought'. 'Those who pushed the lies will pay a very heavy price and continue to pay a heavy price. Like any revolution is major, but has gotten rid of the garbage'. How does this play out? 'Obama speaking for his last chapter', irrelevant. Elephants are dying. 'How can a woman who should be `bright` spent a billion dollars on ads, while Trump just picked up his phone and twittered and cost him nothing. She couldn't think out of the box, Obama couldn't, neither were creative'. 'It's a joke, the whole thing is finished. They will try to shut you down, but you are far more important'. Hysteria mode. 'Their narcissism and arrogance cocoons everything of who and what they are, while in truth they are nobody. Trump has done more in 2 weeks on twitter than Obama's done in 8 years'. Self-destructive. Obama live feed/last press conference. '1) You aren't going to see any more press in the white house. 2) End of Obama, exactly as he started with empty air'. 'Trump doesn't need to respond, he's laughing his way to success'. 'With the appearance of Trump, the World understands we're coming back to being a major power'.
First hour - China stole US underwater drone and US is demanding it back. Soros financed group to help '<i>flag</i>' stories. Facebook and infowar<i>s</i>. Globalists use incremental-ism. Chinese style web censorship. Google/Facebook blocking. Snopes. Attack on first amendment. US Unpredictable conflict. Megyn Kelly caught fabricating lies with out-of-context audio. The attack on the first amendment. Communist Chinese style censorship IS coming to the US. video covering it (). [url=]Russia's opinion on fake news and media manipulation. Qatar prince racing in <span class="bold">LA</span>.
Second hour - Murdock. Create documentary on child trafficking? Lynch refusing to upset election or start lawsuits against Jones. Obama press conference regarding Russia and escalating to war (<i>potentially? New Military doctrine to take cyber attacks like physical attacks</i>). They are tying the death threats to electors to Jones, through Pelosi, and claims of Clinton killing children to pizzagate. The Chinese hold the deed to the Clinton's. Balance of power. China steeling underwater Drone. All seven artificial islands have weapons installed on them. NewsWars site soon to come up. [url=]Facebook to bury '<i>fake news</i>'. Roger Stone: 'classic disinformation campaign'. 'These are all just lies to justify this narrative'. Near hysterical kenard from Podesta. New McCarthyism. 650,000 emails will see the light of day. Elector death threats &, 'This is the Soros Gameplay: 1) Harp endlessly over popular vote. 2) Launch the phoney recounts. 3) The Russians did it, these patrios are traitors to the country'. 'This is the same Megyn Kelly who was paid $6M for her show and $6M book, with a chapter slipped into the book much later on Roger Ailes'. 'Ailes was setup and mugged, he was an obstacle to Hillary's election'. 'They want to turn Fox into CNN and the sky channel'. Trump & Russia press conference in July. 'Soviet style Revisionism'. DNC 'hack' doesn't exist, it was a leak. Assange says MSM has no more credibility. Press secretary Kimberly Guilfoyle?
Third Hour - Stone: 'She's the ideal face for the administration', 'I feel pretty good about the electoral college. Near hysteria about the people's will being asserted. I've never seen it quite like this'. Fourth act? 'They need to prevent Trump from being sworn in. Maybe we can have an honest FBI and CIA with accurate information so he can make good decisions. Time for house cleaning in both agencies'. 'It proves Obama is in on the hijacking'. Insufficient evidence; , FBI & [url=]Clapper agree. Steve Pieczenik: Coup & Counter Coup. 'I can guarantee Russia WAS NOT involved'. 'Hillary failed miserably'. Bringing in military men to stop the wars. Trump Cabinet picks. Goldman Sachs. 'For the first time we are bringing in businessmen, military men, people who are accountable!'. 'Bringing in people with standards and accomplishments'. Core group of elitists. 'The most important thing you've done is make Washington irrelevant'. Million bureaucrats; one for every soldiers. Cyber war era. 'I don't think Soros can do much anymore, he played his hand with, Jill Stein and Hillary. The entire government has shifted from it's old habits, and reconfiguring to smaller/more effective issues: Jobs'. 'This revolution is what we want and need'. 'Trump is putting amazing businessmen in'. Tillerson. 'Obama is finished'. 180 news, FBI suddenly agrees with CIA?? CNN has called Trump's win a '<i>national emergency</i>' trying and push for a new election. 'Whatever they do is not going to impact with what is going on right now'. 'They can't change anything, and ineffectual'. 'Elimination of thousands of those who've been in the CIA/Military establishment who aren't professionals or fought'. 'Those who pushed the lies will pay a very heavy price and continue to pay a heavy price. Like any revolution is major, but has gotten rid of the garbage'. How does this play out? 'Obama speaking for his last chapter', irrelevant. Elephants are dying. 'How can a woman who should be `bright` spent a billion dollars on ads, while Trump just picked up his phone and twittered and cost him nothing. She couldn't think out of the box, Obama couldn't, neither were creative'. 'It's a joke, the whole thing is finished. They will try to shut you down, but you are far more important'. Hysteria mode. 'Their narcissism and arrogance cocoons everything of who and what they are, while in truth they are nobody. Trump has done more in 2 weeks on twitter than Obama's done in 8 years'. Self-destructive. Obama live feed/last press conference. '1) You aren't going to see any more press in the white house. 2) End of Obama, exactly as he started with empty air'. 'Trump doesn't need to respond, he's laughing his way to success'. 'With the appearance of Trump, the World understands we're coming back to being a major power'.

New User
Registered: Jul 2016
From Other
Posted December 17, 2016
Post edited December 17, 2016 by bwh80

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 17, 2016
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^that isn't me so I don't even want to hear it. :P

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted December 17, 2016
low rated
Today: 16 Dec 2016 - 34 days to office
Part 1
Fourth Hour - Pieczenik: 'Obama is very afraid of what Trump can do. The legacy is being destroyed. Bin Laden wasn't killed, Flynn made a point of that nonsense. Obamacare going down in flames. Surgeon in charge of Health & HR, and HUD. Obama can't handle this. Liberals can't handle this and the Media doesn't know where to go'. 9/11 & Sandyhook. Openly announcing censorship? 'No, there's no way that's going to happen. 1) No matter what Soros or Zuckerberg thinks, The internet was made BY DARPA, for DEFENSE', 'When you try to shut it down you will get something new. There's no way the President nor Hillary can shut you down'. Publicly blame Putin? 'Such control freaks, they tell you they are overturning it and then tell you they aren't'. 'What the NWO people have to offer isn't anything, it's horrible'. Total illusion of peer pressure. 'International fact checking network' a mail-order diploma group. Counter Disinformation Propaganda act. Fake news tactic was made before the summer. Push by Facebook, a group 'the Poynter institute' has 6 employees and does online seminars, Of course Funded by Soros. Code of Principles, ABC news and bipartisanship, they are going to label anything they disagree with as 'fake'. They are going to ram through a bunch of bills in new-years and Christmas just like they did last year. Faithless elector lied about being 9/11 first responder no record, Republican elector slams attempt to overturn fair & legal election, 12-yearold Jihad attempted to bomb Christmas market (twice). MEP tells Bureaucrats they are are responsible for migrant rapes, Assange says media is '<i>increasingly not very important</i>' (so true). Apparently telling the truth about Hillary is 'hacking the election'. Never-Trumpers in RNC. The firewall against corruption and power.
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - George Soros finances group IFCN for '<i>fact checking</i>' for Facebook, likely very biased. Assange says paper-tiger media '<i>not very important</i>'. Tucker takes on Kurt Eichenwald on claim Trump was in a mental hospital. NYT claims Trump is a '<i>threat to democracy</i>' (not buying it Carlos Slim), Defector Electors, and some aren't going to give in, of the 330 electors 1 wouldn't vote for Trump. Anti-Trump Celebs are <span class="podkreslenie">NOT</span> smarter than the American people. Arnold Schwarzenegger says 'Stop Whining' (Hmmm). Faithless Elector Suprun with lies and questionable history. 12 Yearold bomber trying to blow up Christmas Market. Muslim surveillance program to prevent Islamic terrorism. House passes Microchipping law HR4919. Home intruder against gun rights advocate CHL trainer - Michael Cargill: Ownership vs gun homicide rates, FBI reports, 'I make sure they are trained and proficient, i've kicked my mother off the range before', one shot, 'Who breaks into your house on the second floor of the master bathroom?'. Record numbers of women have defended themselves. Biden suggests a shotgun? Statistically within a year of concealed carry, crime drops 20%-30%. 'More guns equals less crime'. 'Check with the NRA, NAGR, other organizations in your area to find a good instructor. Purchase a good firearm'. Who is "Mad Dog" Mattis? 'Known under 3 pseudo-names. Mad dog Mattis, warrior monk, Chaos'. Devoted his life to the art of war, and understanding war. [url=]YT2. Mattis is known for a straight-forward way of doing things. A Brawler, a Marine's Marine. A professional with studying/learning warfare. Immediate respect between two nations fighting forces, and smoothing of situations. 'Mad dog is going to shake things up', Gives reading material for his marines. Hillary party and Donors, Tactic of a 5-yearold, blame everyone else. Podesta Blames the FBI, says it's broken and needs to be fixed. Not Russian Propaganda if the emails are from the US. NYT says Trump threat to democracy. John Kerry refuses to follow hacking claims (probably waiting for actual proof or covering his butt). Obama dodged questions during press conference. Administration didn't take hacking seriously because they though Hillary would win. 3:1 Voters are opposed to Clinton Pardon. Obama going on vacation. Trump on thank-you tour. Domestic corruption in DNC party. Internet kill-switch.
Recommended videos: Sargon of Akkad Edition
The Trump Saltmine
This week in stupid 20/11/2016
<span class="bold">TYT</span> freakout
Part 1
Fourth Hour - Pieczenik: 'Obama is very afraid of what Trump can do. The legacy is being destroyed. Bin Laden wasn't killed, Flynn made a point of that nonsense. Obamacare going down in flames. Surgeon in charge of Health & HR, and HUD. Obama can't handle this. Liberals can't handle this and the Media doesn't know where to go'. 9/11 & Sandyhook. Openly announcing censorship? 'No, there's no way that's going to happen. 1) No matter what Soros or Zuckerberg thinks, The internet was made BY DARPA, for DEFENSE', 'When you try to shut it down you will get something new. There's no way the President nor Hillary can shut you down'. Publicly blame Putin? 'Such control freaks, they tell you they are overturning it and then tell you they aren't'. 'What the NWO people have to offer isn't anything, it's horrible'. Total illusion of peer pressure. 'International fact checking network' a mail-order diploma group. Counter Disinformation Propaganda act. Fake news tactic was made before the summer. Push by Facebook, a group 'the Poynter institute' has 6 employees and does online seminars, Of course Funded by Soros. Code of Principles, ABC news and bipartisanship, they are going to label anything they disagree with as 'fake'. They are going to ram through a bunch of bills in new-years and Christmas just like they did last year. Faithless elector lied about being 9/11 first responder no record, Republican elector slams attempt to overturn fair & legal election, 12-yearold Jihad attempted to bomb Christmas market (twice). MEP tells Bureaucrats they are are responsible for migrant rapes, Assange says media is '<i>increasingly not very important</i>' (so true). Apparently telling the truth about Hillary is 'hacking the election'. Never-Trumpers in RNC. The firewall against corruption and power.
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines
Nightly News - George Soros finances group IFCN for '<i>fact checking</i>' for Facebook, likely very biased. Assange says paper-tiger media '<i>not very important</i>'. Tucker takes on Kurt Eichenwald on claim Trump was in a mental hospital. NYT claims Trump is a '<i>threat to democracy</i>' (not buying it Carlos Slim), Defector Electors, and some aren't going to give in, of the 330 electors 1 wouldn't vote for Trump. Anti-Trump Celebs are <span class="podkreslenie">NOT</span> smarter than the American people. Arnold Schwarzenegger says 'Stop Whining' (Hmmm). Faithless Elector Suprun with lies and questionable history. 12 Yearold bomber trying to blow up Christmas Market. Muslim surveillance program to prevent Islamic terrorism. House passes Microchipping law HR4919. Home intruder against gun rights advocate CHL trainer - Michael Cargill: Ownership vs gun homicide rates, FBI reports, 'I make sure they are trained and proficient, i've kicked my mother off the range before', one shot, 'Who breaks into your house on the second floor of the master bathroom?'. Record numbers of women have defended themselves. Biden suggests a shotgun? Statistically within a year of concealed carry, crime drops 20%-30%. 'More guns equals less crime'. 'Check with the NRA, NAGR, other organizations in your area to find a good instructor. Purchase a good firearm'. Who is "Mad Dog" Mattis? 'Known under 3 pseudo-names. Mad dog Mattis, warrior monk, Chaos'. Devoted his life to the art of war, and understanding war. [url=]YT2. Mattis is known for a straight-forward way of doing things. A Brawler, a Marine's Marine. A professional with studying/learning warfare. Immediate respect between two nations fighting forces, and smoothing of situations. 'Mad dog is going to shake things up', Gives reading material for his marines. Hillary party and Donors, Tactic of a 5-yearold, blame everyone else. Podesta Blames the FBI, says it's broken and needs to be fixed. Not Russian Propaganda if the emails are from the US. NYT says Trump threat to democracy. John Kerry refuses to follow hacking claims (probably waiting for actual proof or covering his butt). Obama dodged questions during press conference. Administration didn't take hacking seriously because they though Hillary would win. 3:1 Voters are opposed to Clinton Pardon. Obama going on vacation. Trump on thank-you tour. Domestic corruption in DNC party. Internet kill-switch.
Recommended videos: Sargon of Akkad Edition
The Trump Saltmine
This week in stupid 20/11/2016
<span class="bold">TYT</span> freakout

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted December 17, 2016
low rated
Sorry for defacing your thread last night. I decided to vent my frustrations over everything that's wrong with the world while being fucked up on Benzodiazepines. In hindsight, I'm positively surprised that I managed to slip a reference to STALKER into my musings (this IS a gaming board, after all). I'm also amazed at how you can pinpoint the exact moment where I went "Fuck it, I'll just leave the misspellings in there! It'll read funnier that way!"
Anyhow, apologies again, since I don't really want to dogpile on you like some of the other posters here. I unironically think you're the biggest pimp on this board for willingly sacrificing your rep for your cause and not getting intimidated by people who get their panties in a knot about Alex Jones (insufferable dickhead he may be), yet will gobble up any bullshit their western mainstream media (AKA the totally not fake news outlets) feeds them. Why, only yesterday I read some outrageous shit about some pro-EU think tank that in all seriousness suggested that Putin is sending Syrian operatives to Germany in order for them to rape German women, so public opinion swings against Merkel for the upcoming elections. Say what you will about InfoWars, they got NOTHING on mainstream media in terms of deceitfulness, fear-mongering and sheer lunacy.
Anyhow, apologies again, since I don't really want to dogpile on you like some of the other posters here. I unironically think you're the biggest pimp on this board for willingly sacrificing your rep for your cause and not getting intimidated by people who get their panties in a knot about Alex Jones (insufferable dickhead he may be), yet will gobble up any bullshit their western mainstream media (AKA the totally not fake news outlets) feeds them. Why, only yesterday I read some outrageous shit about some pro-EU think tank that in all seriousness suggested that Putin is sending Syrian operatives to Germany in order for them to rape German women, so public opinion swings against Merkel for the upcoming elections. Say what you will about InfoWars, they got NOTHING on mainstream media in terms of deceitfulness, fear-mongering and sheer lunacy.
Post edited December 17, 2016 by fronzelneekburm

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted December 17, 2016

Gustav Gressel, an Austrian member of the ECFR, spoke of a hypothetical future scenario, not of a present or past one. Not of an "is" but of a "may". It was an attempt to evaluate possible ways for Putin to influence the German elections, a series of rhetorical questions, of literal "what ifs".
We do not disagree that he should have shut his mouth and never, ever have talked to that fucking fearmongering nazi Julian Röpcke.
Post edited December 17, 2016 by Vainamoinen

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted December 17, 2016
I have asked if Fables can now escalate this thread to others within GOG, specificially regarding rtcvb32 and his continuous spamming of this forum with deluded soap box preaching of ideas that are considered news by rtcvb32.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted December 17, 2016
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If you have any left over, they make a great pick up aid for chicks at nightclubs.
You really need to relax and chill a bit more.
The key to enjoying this place is to not take it seriously, just sit back and enjoy the asylum and its loonies.
And this asylum has the best loonies ever; it's like the United Nations of Loonies, or as I like to call it, the UNL.
You really need to relax and chill a bit more.
The key to enjoying this place is to not take it seriously, just sit back and enjoy the asylum and its loonies.
And this asylum has the best loonies ever; it's like the United Nations of Loonies, or as I like to call it, the UNL.
Post edited December 17, 2016 by Kleetus

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted December 17, 2016
low rated

So why THIS thread? And what gives you the right to harass him about it? How is this really any different from any of the many other political threads besides the fact YOU don't like THIS content?
And for the record, I don't have any problem at all with the above mentioned threads, I'm more wondering why one whiny person thinks they have the right to bully and harass rtcvb32 just because you don't like the direction of his posts?

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 17, 2016

Seriously if she closes this thing, or gets it to be closed, 5.99 GOG game of your choice ON ME! No shit.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 17, 2016

Seriously if she closes this thing, or gets it to be closed, 5.99 GOG game of your choice ON ME! No shit.
Make it 20 if you'll do the same for the forum in general.