Posted March 16, 2017

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 16, 2017
This is a great thread for lazy people.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 16, 2017
low rated
I honestly don't know why this isn't closed yet. Deserves to be even more than Gamergate did.

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted March 16, 2017
Why doesn't the knockers just ignore the thread,is that SOOOOOOOOOO hard to do?

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted March 17, 2017
high rated
lol, good 1, m8!
You do realize, don't you, that you, Breja and some of the other regulars here - you know the ones, those who only show up in this thread to cause a stink - are responsible for 90% of those COC violations?
But just to be on the safe side, let's check in Fables' golden rulebook, shall we?
- Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them.[/i]
Seeing as this is rtcvb32's thread, I've never seen him act anything but kund and respectful to other users here, especially considering the amount of abuse he has to put up with.
- Stay on topic, don’t intentionally derail threads, don’t troll, don’t spam.
rtcvb32:always stayed on topic. Unlike certain other posters.
- Use appropriate language.
Didn't see him post anything inappropriate.
- Do not intentionally insult or offend others.
Welp, this could be a bit of a point of contention, since rtcvb32 should be aware by now that posting anything related to Infowars will cause offense for a few people.
- We don’t tolerate hate speech, intimidation, harassment, sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs, and discrimination.
Didn't see rtcvb32: post anything of the kind.
- Abuse or encouraging abuse of the reputation system and the “report as spam” system - for the explanation of how our forum features work, have a look at the Forum and feedback section in our FAQs here.[/i]
This rule would likely work in rtcvb32's favour.
- Posting your own as well as other people’s personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, place of work, etc.).
- Posting links to phishing sites, malware, or spyware.
- Impersonating forum moderators or other users.
- Spamming, bashing, flaming, trolling, or abusing the reputation and/or “report as spam” function.
- Creating multiple accounts.
- Posting something that is knowingly false.
Yeah, yeah, faaaaaake neeeeews. Come off it, people. All media is bullshit. Nothing means nothing unless there's an agenda to be pushed or a quick buck to be made. But that's irrelevant to this thread.
rtcvb32 doesn't post things because they are knowingly false, he posts them because he thinks they are true. Or at least open to interpretation. But not knowingly false. Would be a bit of a waste to put all this much time and effort into shilling for an outlet that you know airs nothing but lies
- Thread bumping, hijacking or posting off-topic.
Verily, the thread bumping part is the only forum rule rtcvb32 violated knowingly and repeatedly.
- Posting pornography, inappropriate or offensive content, warez, unreleased game content, and things that are generally considered not suitable for work.
- cracks, key generators, pirated content.
- Posting cheats, hacks, game exploits, and game spoilers - unless you clearly note that this is what your post is about at the top of it.
- Threats of violence, harassment or privacy breach - even as a joke.
That's a nope.
- Using a third party’s intellectual property (full or partial scans of articles, books, full transcriptions of articles, etc.) unless you have permission to do so.
Absolutely nope.
- Selling (including real life or in-game trading), advertising, referrals, auctioning - unless this applies to giveaways.
Positively not.
- Use of language that is abusive, vulgar, hateful, defamatory, obscene, profane, threatening, privacy-invasive, or law-violating.
- Encouraging anyone else to break these rules.
- Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by at our sole discretion.
I guess if gog were to make it a bannable offense to talk about InfoWars...
So yeah, if Fables wants to close the thread, use the "No thread bumping!"-rule as an excuse. Since nobody seems that interested in actually coming here to actually discuss anything, this thread would likely die a swift death. If rtcvb32 keeps bumping, nail his ass for that. But other than that, I see very few forum rules that would justify closing this thread and a whole lot of them that would justify penalizing individual posters here,
You do realize, don't you, that you, Breja and some of the other regulars here - you know the ones, those who only show up in this thread to cause a stink - are responsible for 90% of those COC violations?
But just to be on the safe side, let's check in Fables' golden rulebook, shall we?
- Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them.[/i]
Seeing as this is rtcvb32's thread, I've never seen him act anything but kund and respectful to other users here, especially considering the amount of abuse he has to put up with.
- Stay on topic, don’t intentionally derail threads, don’t troll, don’t spam.
rtcvb32:always stayed on topic. Unlike certain other posters.
- Use appropriate language.
Didn't see him post anything inappropriate.
- Do not intentionally insult or offend others.
Welp, this could be a bit of a point of contention, since rtcvb32 should be aware by now that posting anything related to Infowars will cause offense for a few people.
- We don’t tolerate hate speech, intimidation, harassment, sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs, and discrimination.
Didn't see rtcvb32: post anything of the kind.
- Abuse or encouraging abuse of the reputation system and the “report as spam” system - for the explanation of how our forum features work, have a look at the Forum and feedback section in our FAQs here.[/i]
This rule would likely work in rtcvb32's favour.
- Posting your own as well as other people’s personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, place of work, etc.).
- Posting links to phishing sites, malware, or spyware.
- Impersonating forum moderators or other users.
- Spamming, bashing, flaming, trolling, or abusing the reputation and/or “report as spam” function.
- Creating multiple accounts.
- Posting something that is knowingly false.
Yeah, yeah, faaaaaake neeeeews. Come off it, people. All media is bullshit. Nothing means nothing unless there's an agenda to be pushed or a quick buck to be made. But that's irrelevant to this thread.
rtcvb32 doesn't post things because they are knowingly false, he posts them because he thinks they are true. Or at least open to interpretation. But not knowingly false. Would be a bit of a waste to put all this much time and effort into shilling for an outlet that you know airs nothing but lies
- Thread bumping, hijacking or posting off-topic.
Verily, the thread bumping part is the only forum rule rtcvb32 violated knowingly and repeatedly.
- Posting pornography, inappropriate or offensive content, warez, unreleased game content, and things that are generally considered not suitable for work.
- cracks, key generators, pirated content.
- Posting cheats, hacks, game exploits, and game spoilers - unless you clearly note that this is what your post is about at the top of it.
- Threats of violence, harassment or privacy breach - even as a joke.
That's a nope.
- Using a third party’s intellectual property (full or partial scans of articles, books, full transcriptions of articles, etc.) unless you have permission to do so.
Absolutely nope.
- Selling (including real life or in-game trading), advertising, referrals, auctioning - unless this applies to giveaways.
Positively not.
- Use of language that is abusive, vulgar, hateful, defamatory, obscene, profane, threatening, privacy-invasive, or law-violating.
- Encouraging anyone else to break these rules.
- Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by at our sole discretion.
I guess if gog were to make it a bannable offense to talk about InfoWars...
So yeah, if Fables wants to close the thread, use the "No thread bumping!"-rule as an excuse. Since nobody seems that interested in actually coming here to actually discuss anything, this thread would likely die a swift death. If rtcvb32 keeps bumping, nail his ass for that. But other than that, I see very few forum rules that would justify closing this thread and a whole lot of them that would justify penalizing individual posters here,

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted March 17, 2017
Nothing quite like the smell of control freaks that aren't getting their way. lol

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted March 17, 2017
low rated

Verily, the thread bumping part is the only forum rule rtcvb32 violated knowingly and repeatedly.
It's not like I was only putting Bump as the only post, thereby bumping it... (which is as I understand it seeing another site how it's used)

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 17, 2017
low rated
Damn, I'm seeing things again. I could swear there is this long ass post of of yours here, but I know it can't be true- you threw a tantrum and left the forum! Surely you would not return just to defend someones pathetic little propaganda dump.
Anyway, I like how you explain a loophole in the "Posting something that is knowingly false." rule. Which this thread is breaking harder than Bane broke Batman's back. But as long as you belive something obviously false, even if it was explained and proven to be false, you are still free to post it! Yay!
Also spam- this thread is pretty much the definition of it.
Also, I can't know it, but I sincerely hope that trying to use the forum as a personal blog for slander, propaganda and misinformation falls under "Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by at our sole discretion."
Anyway, I like how you explain a loophole in the "Posting something that is knowingly false." rule. Which this thread is breaking harder than Bane broke Batman's back. But as long as you belive something obviously false, even if it was explained and proven to be false, you are still free to post it! Yay!
Also spam- this thread is pretty much the definition of it.
Also, I can't know it, but I sincerely hope that trying to use the forum as a personal blog for slander, propaganda and misinformation falls under "Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by at our sole discretion."
Post edited March 17, 2017 by Breja

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted March 17, 2017
low rated

If they are covering news which you can usually see earlier on The Drudge Report (which links to sites like Fox local news, RT, The Hill, DailyCaller, etc etc), are all news sites spam/knowingly false?
Post edited March 17, 2017 by rtcvb32

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted March 17, 2017

Fun fact: This is the second time you bother me about this instead of, you know, contributing anything worthwhile. The only other poster who was that upset about me sporadically rearing my ugly head in this forum was... wait foooor it... Tauto! Good company you're in, m8! Keep making gog forums great again! Muh safe online space! Muh civil, lively discussion! "Please do not ever post with the sole purpose and intention to upset other forum users."
Any YOU want to dictate which topics are appropriate or not? Simply because in a forum of roughly 18000 topics (excluding the game forums) you're incapable of ignoring that one thread you don't like?

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 17, 2017
low rated
I was told to leave this thread alone. I will.
Unlike some people who feel a need to have a tantrum when they are asked to monitor their behavior in here, I am going to do it, for them and for the sake of the forum, without having a shit fit. :P
You shan't see me in here again nor will you see any mention or complaint of it from me anywhere on this site. I have been asked to refrain from that and I have no problem with that request.
And stop accusing Fables of favoring me!
I've been told to clean up my act just as much, if not way more, than anyone else here and face the same bans everyone does, so leave her alone with that collusion BS.
Unlike some people who feel a need to have a tantrum when they are asked to monitor their behavior in here, I am going to do it, for them and for the sake of the forum, without having a shit fit. :P
You shan't see me in here again nor will you see any mention or complaint of it from me anywhere on this site. I have been asked to refrain from that and I have no problem with that request.
And stop accusing Fables of favoring me!
I've been told to clean up my act just as much, if not way more, than anyone else here and face the same bans everyone does, so leave her alone with that collusion BS.
Post edited March 17, 2017 by tinyE

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 17, 2017
low rated

Fun fact: This is the second time you bother me about this instead of, you know, contributing anything worthwhile. The only other poster who was that upset about me sporadically rearing my ugly head in this forum
You mean the guy in who's company you are in just now, defending this thread? :D
Post edited March 17, 2017 by Breja

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted March 17, 2017

Unlike some people who feel a need to have a tantrum when they are asked to monitor their behavior in here, I am going to do it, for them and for the sake of the forum, without having a shit fit. :P
You shan't see me in here again nor will you see any mention or complaint of it from me anywhere on this site. I have been asked to refrain from that and I have no problem with that request.

my glasses are dirty
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted March 17, 2017
Good thing I'm not working today; I'll have time to go through and upvote all your posts. I don't see anything wrong with a political thread; if some don't think it belongs on a "gaming" forum (despite being in "general discussion") then read another thread. You're not forced to come in here, and it's not like we need more posts that are just complaints.