Posted October 20, 2016

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation

I see you!
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
I agree somewhat to what he generally says, but some of his stories are way out there past the moon.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated

Trump is just a very wealthy man, charismatic and a bit sexist, but still a man. He has little dirt on him to make him a good puppet. I beleive that in case he miraciously wins, they [who?] will try to assasinate him.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated

I was implying more on political kind of dirt which Trump does not have yet.
As for the instability, Clinton is far more worse, she even fell once and a few times she had some kind of stupor during debates. She is probably a very sick person and on constant medication, seems perferct victim for puppeteers. I also believe that she participates in president campaign against her own will.
P.S. All i say is pure speculation (especially about banks), please don't sue me!
Post edited October 20, 2016 by Cadaver747

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated

I was implying more on political kind of dirt which Trump does not have yet.
As for the instability, Clinton is far more worse, she even fell once and a few times she had some kind of stupor during debates. She is probably a very sick person and on constant medication, seems perferct victim for puppeteers. I also believe that she participates in president campaign against her own will.
P.S. All i say is pure speculation (especially about banks), please don't sue me!

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
Post edited October 20, 2016 by tinyE

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated
Write note to self reminding me to mention fractional reserve banking 3 or 4 times per day. lol

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated
Shouldn't that be retroactive? At which point Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and a ton of others should be leaving first?

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted October 20, 2016

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated

I was however commenting that such an order (if retroactive) would be... self destructive, with just a few names listed.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated
Today: 19 Oct 2016 - 19 days
First hour - Watching MSM, CBS, NBC, CNN all have the same content and is basically the same channel now. Foval & , [url=]democrats so criminal pushing laws/legislation that are illegal like getting illegal immigrants to vote. O'Keefe (<i>Veritas</i>) spun as a criminal on news networks for being a investigative journalist, wall of lies, 4 million ineligible/dead voters, Racketeering laws, History repeats, spiral & self destruction, controlled medium no competition. O'Keefe first video/violence at rallies Second video/mass voter fraud, Chicago phone footage proofing not Trump supporters.
Second hour - CNN cutting satellite feeds when Wikileaks brought up, new Bill Clinton victim steps forward. Joe Seales: creating a new media system and reaching the masses, RSBN.TV story '<i>the media refuses so we do it</i>', cameramen want to show size of Trump's crowd, 'When America became authoritarian', Tonight: Message straight to the people after debate; RSBN, Infowars and Trump's Facebook will have it, direct selling/funding, war for basic liberty. Enquirer news/page Hillary's sexual trysts, new Red shirt (limited edition). Larry Nichols: Bussing in voters, DOJ, within 90 days of Hillary as president the US will change forever, poll skewing and cherry picking, rigged election, debate: Ignore the questions and talk to the US people. Tyranny tipping point, in a coup detat. Tracey Martin and racism from Clintons, stealing from the white house and furniture from DOJ.
Third Hour - Veterans gather and go to the precincts, get footage and pictures and contact Larry. With the machines. Get/Show printout of vote to prove you got your vote right or demand paper ballot, if they say they don't go get one from the courthouse. HIV infected blood, Hillary's Witch coven, Hillary/Obama smell/odor, Ecuador didn't unplug internet it's the UN's first example of domain control. If Clintons get Assange kicked out 'Assange is dead in a week'. 'They would not be acting with as much vigor if they were ahead'. If they get in they will push fairness doctrine and ban talk radio/internet news. Soros to use full fortune to destroy US, the global world of 5 rich people and everyone else dirt poor. Gary Heavin: , great delusion, Global vs National candidates, Mark of the beast, [url=]cashless society, , [url=]Amerigeddon, 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, powerful people are evil people', Warnings from 2,000 years ago in the bible,
Fourth Hour - Hillary media covers Clinton Crime. Trusted Charities: , [url=]Haitain president calls Clintons '<i>common thieves</i>', make these videos go viral in order to help the people. Special report. A million Haitians without food/water/shelter/medical. So-called-charities. overload of information, Hormone disrupting chemicals and BPA/BPS, PBDE's and are the worst. [url=]Election stress, Could prevent millions of cancer deaths with current knowledge, clean body, Factory farms could lead to antibiotic apocalypse, the 1% and meditation, Assange's internet cut over interfering in US election. Cops Database of 117M faces.
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
PreShow Debate 1st
PreShow Debate 2nd
PreShow Debate 3rd
PreShow Debate 4th
PreShow Debate 5th
3rd Debate (<i>Trump vs Clinton</i>)
Aftershow aftershow 1st
AfterShow Debate 2nd
First hour - Watching MSM, CBS, NBC, CNN all have the same content and is basically the same channel now. Foval & , [url=]democrats so criminal pushing laws/legislation that are illegal like getting illegal immigrants to vote. O'Keefe (<i>Veritas</i>) spun as a criminal on news networks for being a investigative journalist, wall of lies, 4 million ineligible/dead voters, Racketeering laws, History repeats, spiral & self destruction, controlled medium no competition. O'Keefe first video/violence at rallies Second video/mass voter fraud, Chicago phone footage proofing not Trump supporters.
Second hour - CNN cutting satellite feeds when Wikileaks brought up, new Bill Clinton victim steps forward. Joe Seales: creating a new media system and reaching the masses, RSBN.TV story '<i>the media refuses so we do it</i>', cameramen want to show size of Trump's crowd, 'When America became authoritarian', Tonight: Message straight to the people after debate; RSBN, Infowars and Trump's Facebook will have it, direct selling/funding, war for basic liberty. Enquirer news/page Hillary's sexual trysts, new Red shirt (limited edition). Larry Nichols: Bussing in voters, DOJ, within 90 days of Hillary as president the US will change forever, poll skewing and cherry picking, rigged election, debate: Ignore the questions and talk to the US people. Tyranny tipping point, in a coup detat. Tracey Martin and racism from Clintons, stealing from the white house and furniture from DOJ.
Third Hour - Veterans gather and go to the precincts, get footage and pictures and contact Larry. With the machines. Get/Show printout of vote to prove you got your vote right or demand paper ballot, if they say they don't go get one from the courthouse. HIV infected blood, Hillary's Witch coven, Hillary/Obama smell/odor, Ecuador didn't unplug internet it's the UN's first example of domain control. If Clintons get Assange kicked out 'Assange is dead in a week'. 'They would not be acting with as much vigor if they were ahead'. If they get in they will push fairness doctrine and ban talk radio/internet news. Soros to use full fortune to destroy US, the global world of 5 rich people and everyone else dirt poor. Gary Heavin: , great delusion, Global vs National candidates, Mark of the beast, [url=]cashless society, , [url=]Amerigeddon, 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, powerful people are evil people', Warnings from 2,000 years ago in the bible,
Fourth Hour - Hillary media covers Clinton Crime. Trusted Charities: , [url=]Haitain president calls Clintons '<i>common thieves</i>', make these videos go viral in order to help the people. Special report. A million Haitians without food/water/shelter/medical. So-called-charities. overload of information, Hormone disrupting chemicals and BPA/BPS, PBDE's and are the worst. [url=]Election stress, Could prevent millions of cancer deaths with current knowledge, clean body, Factory farms could lead to antibiotic apocalypse, the 1% and meditation, Assange's internet cut over interfering in US election. Cops Database of 117M faces.
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
PreShow Debate 1st
PreShow Debate 2nd
PreShow Debate 3rd
PreShow Debate 4th
PreShow Debate 5th
3rd Debate (<i>Trump vs Clinton</i>)
Aftershow aftershow 1st
AfterShow Debate 2nd
Post edited October 20, 2016 by rtcvb32