About tastes, they evolve over time, much as the person evolves. Sometimes gradually, over time. Sometimes, in a single event (although often there was already a change going one before the last drop makes the change).
LIke, children are often hooked on sugar. Not anymore. No sugar with the tea or coffee, please.
Used to prefer meat to anything else. No longer the case.
Disliked vegetables as a child. Learned to love later.
Then, in my teens, went on summer in a long distance travel on foot in the mountains. No shops available. We miscalculated the need for provisions. Learned about hunger. Lost all kind of prejudices about food, and have enjoyed all kind of dishes wherever I have been.
Even now there is change. In the past, considered Ligeti's Atmospheres something evocating an inhuman abyss of horror. Then, this pandemic, and a very severe lockdown. One day on the radio, what seems to be an angelic chorus of impossible beauty. What was it? Yes, Ligeti's Atmospheres. The listener had changed, not the music. How can that be? Ligeti worked after the European horrors of the second third of the XX century. So, when it felt that it was the 25th hour, and the world made no sense anymore, and that poetry might be impossible, that is the music that he composed for comfort. So when your world is shaken, you recognize the beauty Ligeti created. But yes, before that, a change must have been happening under the hood in the person, probably.
Then, what about games? Well, loved UFO, or Doom, or TIE-FIghter or I-War, to name a handful, but there is no big urge to go back there (although they still deserve a good try if you never tried them). While other titles, like Civilization or Imperialism or Chaos Overlords, never cease to appeal. You will have your own list, possibly.