trusteft: Are KOEI games out of reach for GOG? They released several good strategy games over the last 30 years and was wondering if anyone knows anything that would make their game impossible to come here.
nightcraw1er.488: Yes, unfortunately publishers with a K in their name are not accepted here.
I mean seriously how are we meant to know? I suppose one could say that they are a Japenese firm, and that would indicate they are heavily in favour of DRM, however that is mere speculation.
If you don't know, obviously you weren't meant to reply? Some people know and they could reply. Others could guess and they could reply.
I mean, feel free to say anything you want, but just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't know or have an idea about it.
Grargar: GOG and Japanese publishers sure make a wonderful combination...
Well there are some.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Would be nice. I crave Warriors Orochi, myself... Or the Berserk-themed warrior game!
I was hoping for the Genghis Khan games, or that WW2 one...anyway, yes they made several good deep games. It's a shame none of them are here.