nightcraw1er.488: It’s quite hard to diagnose without some info. To start with, from the play button I assume you are trying to run through galaxy. Turn galaxy off, then go to where the game is installed and run the game exe from there. That might help.
Then there are several things else:
Ensure you do not (and in fact this goes for anything) install to windows folders, create your own like c:/mygames
Try the offline backup installers, this is one exe and maybe some bin files which you download off the website and are the game installers. You can install from these completely without galaxy, and keep those installers as a backup.
Make sure you have enabled directplay as it is needed by some games.
Make sure your system meets the criteria, some games don’t support win 10, some might not run on other OS.
Try the running from the game files and not galaxy, and then come back with further I for.
james15252: I have tried using the back up installers and it did not change anything. I have reinstalled the game twice now. It is doing the same thing using the gog laucher. When I try to open the file directly is says that the code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_35.dil is not found. Then a seond one pops up with the code XINPUT1_3.dil is not found. It then says to reinstall and it may fix the problem but again ive done it twice. Nothing has changed. Please help, that is all the info I have found. I dont know what else to try.
Then what is happening is that the offline launchers are still being linked to galaxy. If you were to remove galaxy completely, ie switch it off, clear all running components, then launch the offline installers from the game exe in the install location, galaxy should never be called.
Anyways, your issue is missing directx on your system. This has been noted, and I myself have sent gog a support ticket about this, that additional components are not being installed correctly. You can get the package direct from M$. My suggestion is to:
1 - completely uninstall galaxy
2 - from the website download the game offline installers, this should be 1 exe and maybe some bin files
3 - run the install exe and in setting choose something like c:/mygames
4 - at the end of the install process you will see directx/c++ extensions being installed
5 - run game from desktop shortcut